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Jisung POV

"Wakey Wakey." An unbelievably deep voice whispered in my ear, startling me. Only one human I knew possessed such a demonic voice, and when I opened one eye, squinting against the brightness of daylight- my suspicions were confirmed. Felix's pretty, freckled face was inches from mine- distorted slightly because of his closeness and exhaustion still making my vision blurry.

"Huh?" I groaned, trying to stretch my arms which were trapped under the pillow. I was laying on my stomach, one leg hitched up and bent at the knee. I ached- God did I ache. I tested movement and found my back and shoulder stiff. Stinging pain pinging between the angry red bite marks all over the chest and neck. Then an ache coursed through my veins, hailing from my ass. Memories of the night before flooded my brain and my eyes shot open, keenly aware I was naked, my ass bare to the room and Felix was sitting on the bed next to me. "Wh-what are you doing here?!" I yelped, trying to find blankets to cover myself.

"Relax, Ji- I've seen it all before." He chuckled deeply punctuating his point with a playful smack on my ass.

"Hey- c'mon!" I whined at the sting , sitting up, still not able to find a scrap of sheet to cover myself. "Shit." I cursed internally, sitting up not doing my ass any favors.

"Fucking Christ, Ji." Felix's eyes went huge- seeing the mess Minho had made of my chest. I looked down and grimaced- it was a bad as it felt. "Fun night?" he paused and looked at me heavily "Or not?" he whispered- eyes darting to the bedroom door indicating Minho's whereabouts.

I blushed intensely, vision of cheesecake and domination dancing through my brain. I didn't have to say anything else because Felix got it- he always got the message.

"Ah- fun then." His mouth quirked into a knowing smile and his eyebrow raised. "Not surprised you're a bit of a freak. Bit of pain can be fun sometimes, amiright? Min and Bin should compare notes." He lilted wiggling his eyebrows salaciously.

"Oh God, Lix- stahp." I whined, swatting at him- trying not to move much. The hand movement revealed more of my chest and body- and Felix unabashedly looked, his eyes raking down my naked form.

"Keep being a brat and I might have to punish you." He teased- seeing what reactions he could get out of me.

"Hey!" I complained, full on smacking him on the arm. "What's gotten into you today?" I wondered, highly concerned by the tingling sensation creeping up my neck- "what the fuck Jisung." I scolded myself. Felix and I flirted around from time to time- our personalities being so similar- but this was different. His words held something more- or maybe it was because he was sitting on my bed while I was naked, and he was looking at me like I was a meal.

His lips pursed together- making it even harder to read him. Was he fucking around? Was he serious? Why would he be serious? And worse why was I kinda into it? "Goddamn it." I mentally chastised myself. "Okay- that's enough- go. Now." I ordered, throwing a pillow at him as he retreated, walking away with extra sass in his step- chuckling happily.

"Woke him up!" he called out and several mumbled responses came from varying places in the apartment.

Minho brushed past him in the doorway, lightly smacking him on the ass- which was Minho's typical greeting for Felix. "That was a bit far, Lixxie." He scolded and Felix smiled up at him brightly. "Though, I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't love to see that little flirtation play out." He said, his eyebrow raising slightly.

My mouth fell open in shock. What the fuck was with everyone this morning? Felix retreated, blowing me a kiss as he laughed.

"How are you feeling?" Minho asked, sitting on the bed- his voice low and soothing.

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