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Minho POV

"That was far too fucking easy." Hyunjin commented as we all rode back down to our cars afterward, a buzz of celebration thick-swimming around us.

He was right as far as I was concerned. It seemed too good to true that we were going to get everything we wanted and hadn't really had to give anything up. The company had never been quite so accommodating with us before, and as I'd been tossed out like garbage once before, I had some trust issues on the matter.

A silence fell over everyone until Changbin shrugged dismissively. "Fuck 'em- JYPapi signed."

"And if he shreds it and says we made it all up? Jisung asked- always one to realize the worst-case scenario.

"Bin smirked and lifted up his phone, pointing to it. "He's not the only one who can record people. I figured a taste of his own medicine would be a good insurance policy."

Felix launched himself at him, wrapping his arms around his neck as he planted a wet, grateful kiss on his mouth. "My man." He mumbled , kissing him again, everyone else clapping him on the back in admiration.

"That's why you're my right arm." Chan laughed, crushed him and Felix into a hug.

The elevator opened and we were met with an empty parking garage.

"We should celebrate tonight." Jeongin laughed giddily as we made our way to our vehicles. "Minnie comes home tonight- and that just happened!" he exclaimed, hopping up and down- grabbing onto Chan happily as he did.

"Innie- take it easy." Chan cautioned under his breath and only I caught the tender tone of his voice. I smirked knowingly and said nothing- but when my eyes met Jisung's, I realized he caught the moment as well.

"Cute." I thought and offered to grab drinks and snacks on the way back.

"Sounds good. Jeongin and I are going to pick up Seungmin on the way- so we may be a bit. Where are we planning on having this party?" Chan asked as he held the passenger side door open for Jeongin.

"I'm hosting tonight- we always leave your place a mess." I offered. "Besides- Seungmin should come home to his place, and he may want to rest."

"Have you fucking met Minnie? He's going to want to party harder than anyone else- he's finally free of that dickface and he'll be high as kit on painkillers." Hyunjin guffawed and he was right.

"Hey- don't speak ill of the dead." Chan said. And everyone got too serious too quick.

"Sorry." Hyunjin mumbled, but not another moment was spared for him. Not after what he had done to Seungmin for years.

"Well, we'll see you guy after a while then." I said and got in Seungmin's car- which I was reminded as I buckled the seat belt, I still needed to get detailed. I looked over at Jisung who was smiling at me and blushing- memories of the previous night, his tiny body wedged between me and the steering wheel as he panted, as I brutally fucked him senseless reclaiming him even though I had never really lost him. I blinked away the memories and cleared my throat. "So." I said fighting a lewd smile and losing.

"So?" he smirked back, arching his eyebrow at me. "You were sexy as hell back there- all dominate and protective." He said- trialing off at the end.

"Oh?" I teased, loving that he could tell me his thoughts without getting shy. "And you like that?" I questioned- knowing the answer before He spoke.

He was nodding, biting his lip as he watched me. Just as I guided the car out of the parking garage, his hands were on me, working my shirt out of my waistband. His hands were hot against my stomach and his movements were sure as he undid my pants and unbuckled them, shimmying closer to me. I gulped- my heart throbbing in my throat as he leaned down, kissing along my ribs, my abs- licking a quick wet stripe with his tongue along my scar.

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