Never Have I Ever

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We arrived home and Changbin herded the members from his car over to our apartment, Minho carrying a paper bag of various drinks in and placing them on the counter.

"Why are we drinking?" Chan asked, worried "What's the occasion?"

"Obviously, celebrating Jisungie and I's relationship. And Chanbinnie and Lix gaining the handsome Hyunjin into their new poly relationship." Minho smiled deviously and wiggled his eyebrows, which I laughed at.

"That does call for celebration." Chan shrugged, considering. "Okay then." He relented and the variety of bottles were revealed- Minho remembering everyone's favorite. I grabbed myself a bottled daquiri drink and took a sip- sweet and strawberry flavored. I smiled, pleased that Minho picked it just for me. Every poured themselves a drink of some sort and we converged into the living room.

Minho kept up his ruse by lifting his glass and toasting to the new couples. We all drank, and I smiled like a fool. He hung out and ate, chatting and joking around for a while.

"Let's play a drinking game." Hyunjin suggested and I could have kissed him. He was helping our plan along without even realizing it.

"Yeah- Never have I ever!" Blurted Seungmin and we all looked at him, shocked. He seemed to enjoy our expressions, but sure, let's all spill some tea about ourselves- what harm could it do?

We nodded in agreement and decided we'd start with Hyunjin and go in a circle. "The rules are, if you have done the thing, you drink. If you haven't- you don't drink." Changbin explained.

"Okay." Hyunjin thought deeply for a moment "Never have I ever been skydiving." He shrugged and we all sat there, looking at each other, obviously none of had been skydiving- but It had been his turn. "Next, is Binnie.

"Never have I ever..... he thought for a moment. Dated a girl." He shrugged.

Everyone looked around and Hyunjin, Chan and Felix took drinks. I looked at Minho guiltily and drank.

"Oh?" Minho accused giving me a glare. "When in this lifetime were you straight?" He asked teasingly.

"Well, we were basically kids, we like held hands a couple times, but never anything else." I shrugged "But, technically.....I dated her for a like a month."

"He was in his straight era, Minho, leave him alone." Chan patted my back big brotherishly.

"Yeah- it was just a phase." Felix blurted and collapsed into a cackling mess on the floor- obviously already feeling tipsy.

I couldn't help but laugh, Felix was very right, after all, and I didn't take any offense to it. I had simply been trying to fit in.

Minho smiled at me devilishly and grabbed the back on my neck, dragging my mouth to his for a heart stoppingly rough kiss.

"Damn, Min-he's your now, don't be all jealous." Hyunjin mused, causing Minho to release me, my heart beating rapidly, and my lips swollen.

"Damn- that was a hell of a kiss though." Changbin commented. "It'd make me forget ever noticing girls too." He pretended to wipe sweat away and smiled, looking adoringly at his two men.

"Wait- I had to explain- what about the rest of you?" I asked feeling singled out. "hmm? Explain you three."

"Well I dated a girl once, kinda serious but not really. Then you all know I've had a few short flings and one-night stands...." Hyunjin explained shrugging. None of this was news to us- we knew he was the sluttliest of the group and It had been more of a revelation when he chose a real relationship with Felix and Bin. .

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