*Christmas Special Story*

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Merry Christmas Lovelies. Thank you for your support! I wish you and those you care for all the joy in the world this holiday.

This short story is set after Look at Me ends, and before my next story "Like Magic" begins.

Jisung POV

He was smirking at me- the ghost of a unspoken joke always held in his gaze. I felt myself flush and it was suddenly very hot. I looked away- somehow still shy when he looked at me like that. His hand came up and caressed my cheeks and his mouth moved "You are so beautiful." He murmured and my insides turned to mush as I grinned back like an idiot. His gaze moved upward, and he said softly "Mistletoe." My breath caught as he leaned into me, our lips meeting lightly. He wrapped him arms around my waist and started to deepen the kiss, a happy sigh low in my throat...

I awoke with a light jostle from Minho., My face pressed against the glass of the airplane window.

"Baby. We're here. He whispered, planting a sweet kiss on my temple. He smiled down at me- his eyes puffy from sleep as well. "You ready for a week of skiing and hot cocoa?" he teased- knowing I was so not the agile type. I was looking forward to a week of crackling fires and laying in bed as long as I wanted with him though. I smirked- ideas already forming.

Not all dirty thought, of course- a few songs lyrics skittered past and I did my best to snatch them with my mind as Images of Minho's chiseled, naked body hovering over me in front of a fire surged forward.... His hands were on my lower back, lifting me to him- his mouth sucking at my neck as I sighed- melting in his arms.

I shook my head, snapping back to reality, standing to exit the plane, Minho watching me with a sideways smile. He leaned into me and kissed me on the lips- crushing and full of promise of things to come. "Don't worry." He whispered. "I bet I'm thinking the same thing as you." He wiped the wetness off my bottom lip, and he put the same thumb up to his mouth, making a show of licking our mingled saliva off it.

"This is going to be the best Christmas ever." I thought and smirked back at him. He waited for me to exit the row and smacked my ass as I slid past. We all filed out, finding it earie that we were so, alone. Alone in the way that it was just the eight of us for once. No staff members- no camera crew, no extras. It was refreshing to wander through the airport unnoticed and collect our luggage. It was early morning, so I was certain that helped us arrive quietly. Chan and Jeongin had taken on the planning, and they had done so beautifully so far.

Nobody had been able to decide where they wanted to go, but skiing had been the majority in the end. We got enjoy a whole week just living, 8 best friends... and lovers, nothing else to do but recharge and relax. After our week together we were all splitting and going our own way to see family. I was still trying to figure out how I could be with Minho and his family and go home to see my own. We were trying to make everything work- but my family was not exactly aware of the type of relationship Minho, and I had. My father had not been receptive when I mention bring him home for a few days. He couldn't understand why he wouldn't just go be with his own parents. Taking Minho would mean pretending- not being who we were for them or coming out and dealing with the fallout of it. My anxiety just could not. I hadn't known what to say. I wasn't sure I had the confidence yet for all that. He, of course, wanted to shout it from every mountain top and to every news outlet that existed. Both ideas were terrible ideas, so for today we just ignored it- a discussion for later.

I was lost in thought when an arm linked mine on the opposite of Minho. I looked up, startled but also very not startled to see Seungmin, beaming back at me- excitement showing on every inch of his face. He had been a constant in my life for months since the Woojin of it all.

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