Home Sweet Home

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Jisung POV

"I don't know- should I wear the blue one?" I asked Minho. He sat on my bed, leaned against my pillows like an emperor waiting for his subjects to grovel.

He watched me as I tried to decide what to wear to dinner, my anxiety of full tilt. I paced my room holding shirts up, desperate to choose the "right" outfit. I turned toward him, throwing the blue sweater at him when I realized he wasn't really paying attention.

"Baybee." I whined, frustrated. He startled, easily deflecting the clothes I threw, and he looked at me with a tired expression.

"Ji- why are you so worried about your shirt?" he asked. "You've met my parents before.

"But not as your boyfriend!" I countered, my voice rising "Minho- this is important. To me." I added as a low grumble.

"I like what you have on." He shrugged motioning to me.

I looked down my body, confused. I was shirtless and only had on boxers. "Minho. Really?" I asked, irritated, but inwardly pleased with the compliment.

He stood up off the bed and came forward, stalking toward me. "Baby. There is nothing to be worried about. My mom loves you. You could wear a paper sack and she would just be happy I brought you round for dinner."

"But we weren't together the other times I've met her." I whispered, "it's different now." I pouted.

Minho looked at me pityingly and softly touched his lips to mine. I felt the worry melt away as his lips kissed down my jaw and neck. I sighed, forgetting my previous concerns as his mouth grazed over my chest and stomach, sinking to his knees in front of me. "You have always been the one in my heart." He whispered. "From the first time I laid eyes on you- I knew you were my person, Sungie." He kissed along the band of my boxers, very lightly. Kisses of reassurance. Of worship

Nonetheless they were making it hard for me to remember the task at hand. My mind went to Minho's mouth on me, and I knew what he was capable of. My head fell back as a low groan bubbled up from my throat.

"Baby." I scolded. "You have to stop."

"Do I? We have hours still." He countered; his words slightly muffled against my stomach. His hands found fabric and tugged, revealing my very eager dick. He didn't wait for me to pretend to protest again before he took me in his mouth, my fingers digging into his hair, needing something to anchor me to reality. He moaned eagerly and moved my hands to the back of his head.

I looked down at him, his eyes looking up at me pleading. He made another sound around my cock, and I understood. He was submitting to me. I nodded once and gripped his head, hold him in place. I pulled out of his mouth almost all the way, and before I could hesitate, I thrusted back into his mouth until hip lips were wrapped around the base of me. A strangled, surprised but pleased groan came from Minho and his fingers dug into my ass, his way of begging me to fuck his mouth.

The thought was so fucking hot, I bit my lip and decided to go for it, remembering his cock sinfully deep in my throat just a couple nights prior. I started slow, testing his limits. He had never shared his safe word- he was always Dom so I didn't know if he even had one. "Tap out if it's too much." I said softly, watching tears form in his eyes as he breathed trying to relax his gag reflex. he jerked his head slightly, showing he understood, and pulled me further into his wet mouth. I couldn't hold back anymore and started fully fucking his mouth, quickly understanding why he enjoyed being in charge. The high I felt at being in control- having him, a masculine, dominate sex god at my mercy, was addictive. I growled, a new sound for me as I got close, selfishly chasing my release as Minho became a sloppy ruined mess, whimpering around my dick, loving as much as I was.

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