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Felix POV

"Felix! Is it time to take it out now?" Hyunjin's excited voice called to me. I turned toward him abandoning the dishes I was washing. He was squatting in front of the stove, watching intently.

"About five more minutes, Love." I reminded him through a smile. He was so silly sometimes I could almost forget he was the hottest human being alive.

"Oh." He murmured, continuing to watch our confection, holding an oven mitt and spatula like his life depended on it.

"You don't have to watch it, you know- the oven does all the work." I teased him. That earned me one of his patented side eyes and I chuckled. "Don't look at me that way. I warned him. "Come here and wait with me." I offered, holding my arms out in an open hug.

"But what if it burns? I want it to be perfect- Binnie will be home soon." He worried. He stood and walked toward me as he spoke his concerns.

"It will be fine- I've made it loads of times. You were a perfect sous chef." I praised, wrapping my arms around him. His arms wrapped around my waist and the weight of his arms on me felt so right. It felt like home- a feeling that used to scare me deep down. Once I thought I couldn't feel so at peace with anyone but my Binnie. Like my soul was formed only to coexist with his. The first time I felt the same deep spine-tingling feeling of completion with Hyunjin I got scared- for a long time I thought I was being a horrible boyfriend and that something was wrong with me that I could care so deeply for two people at the same time. But since the three of us had decided to be together, I discovered my soul had been created to fuse the three of us together. When our little triangle was all together it was like time slowed and the world existed only for the three of us. It was magic.

Hyunjin hugged me a long time, his hands still unsure as they travelled up my back, feeling my muscled back through my shirt. He gripped the fabric of my sweatshirt and let out a heavy sigh.

"What?" I asked, concerned.

"I want to touch you." He said dejected. "But I can't right now."

"Why?!" I wondered, pushing him to arm's length so I could look him in the eyes.

"Well, Binnie's not here." He started to use as an excuse, and I stopped him.

"Naur." Nope. Stop." I shook my head. "He may be our third, and yes, he and I have been an item for a long time. But he isn't in charge- and he doesn't act like that. I'm your boyfriend. You can touch me as much as you want. Same as you two can do things when I'm not around. Or me and him. Is that why you've been distant the last week?" I asked- clarity finally hitting.

"Nooo." He lied, looking away." Maybe." He sighed.

"Damn it Hyunnie- we talked about this." I scolded him, pushing him in the middle of his chest. It startled him and his eyes went large as I forced him back across the kitchen. I pushed him against the cabinets, forcing him to sit on the countertop. I stood between his legs and put my hands on his waist. "You are an equal part of this throuple. You aren't ruining Changbin and I's relationship. You are not a toy we are playing with. We aren't going to get bored with you." I kissed him roughly, trying to punctuate my point. I moved to kiss his neck; his hands threaded through my hair as I did.

"Felix." He breathed, a warning to stop. I sucked on his neck, harder- intent on marking him this time. His fingers pulled my hair, trying to get me to stop but the pain only made me pull him closer, biting him in return. "Ow!" he yelped, and I stopped my pursuit of giving him a hickey.

"Sorry- I forgot you aren't into pain." I said sincerely.

"I didn't know you were." He countered, obviously having thought the hair pulling would have stopped my attentions.

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