Marking Your Territory

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*Minsung Oneshot*

Hello Lovelies! This one shot is in celebration of Look at Me ranking at #3 today. I wanted to say thank you and what better way than a little prologue. This one shot occurs after Look at Me, and before Like Magic.  I will probably post this in my Stray Kids One Shots as well. Enjoy!

Minho POV

I had a surprise planned. I smiled at the idea- loving that Jisung was chattering away excitedly next to me, completely oblivious. I half listened as he spoke about furniture and rugs- our move-in day was fast approaching. We wanted a fresh start and he was excited to be living together officially.

I was excited too- eager to be able to have him in my arms on every surface of our new home. No irritating roommates to deal with or worry about who might catch me ravishing the man I loved.

We had just finished work for the day and were driving home- more than he knew. He wasn't paying attention, his nose buried in a catalog of sofas and end tables. After a while he realized we were going the wrong way and looked up at me concerned.

"Where are we going, baby?" he asked- his eyebrows furrowed cutely behind his black round-framed glasses.

I smiled, gazing at him briefly. My heart constricted as I did- the sight of him so cutely confused, bundled up in the passenger seat planning our future making me love him even more. "I have a surprise for you." I said simply, turning my attention back the road ahead.

"You do?!" he answered excitedly, tucking the flimsy catalog back in his back, sitting up straighter, angling his body toward me. "What is it?" he asked "A new restaurant?- I heard there's a new seafood place that just opened..." he trailed off.

I chuckled lightly. "We just ate, Ji. It's not food." I responded nonchalantly.

"Oh." He frowned and I saw it out of the corner of my eye, the image making my insides clench. "Oooh- there's a new Manga, so the bookstore?" he was grappling- desperate to know. The man hated surprises- almost as much as he loved them. His anxiety just made it hard for him not to guess.

I shook my head, my right hand going to hold his across the console. "Something completely new." I hinted and he bit his lip, frustrated. It made me want to bite his lip- and I would, just as soon as we got where we were going.

I drove a little further, pulling into a newly built edition of condos. The roads wove in weird ways, but I had already made the trip twice to ensure I knew where to go. I turned and pulled down the street, maneuvering into the driveway of a three-unit building. The giant grey stone structure loomed before us- our new home. Construction equipment sat in front of the far unit- crews were still renovating the terrace Changbin had commissioned for Hyunjin's custom art studio. I knew from talking with the workers that our apartment was finished- the changes we had made were minimal. I had wanted better kitchen appliances and Jisung had wanted to make the spare downstairs bedroom into a den with built-in shelving for his books and albums.

I parked and turned to Jisung expectantly.

"Is this...? He asked, joy emanating from him "Our new place?" he asked, and I nodded.

"Our unit is finished, so I managed to get the keys so we could have a look." I offered.

"Ohmygod- yes!" he squealed and was shoving his door open in haste. I shook my head, but got out, going around to his side of the car to help him, taking his hand as he climbed out nearly tripping on his own feet. I closed the car door and wrapped him in my arms so I could hug him.

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