Fantasies and Secrecy

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Surprisingly when the studio door opened, we weren't assaulted or hollered at, They all just looked up from what ever they were doing and looked at us. Unsure, assessing.

Hyunjin was lounging elegantly on the couch, on his phone, Felix sitting on the sitting in front of him. I saw Hyunjin hand on Felix's shoulder and tried not to smile. I knew that desperation. Felix had Binnie's head in his lap, rubbing his neck while he dozed. Chan was chatting to Jeongin, explaining who knows what and Seungmin was flipping his bottle. Again. His eternal battle. Hyunjin saw us first, sitting up slightly, his leg swinging off the couch and up against Felix's back- smooth.

His eyes were wide, his face surprised, looking for evidence. He gaze went over me once and he smirked knowingly. Felix smiled at me and tapped Changbin so he would move. Once he did, Felix launched himself at me. His smile was contagious, and I beamed like and idiot as he hugged me.

"I knew it. I knew." He demanded and looked at Minho over my shoulder- "You." He pointed at him, and a laugh broke the moment. "You never shut up about Jisung, and now we all know why." Felix launched himself at Minho for a hug and to everyone's surprise, Minho smiled and accepted it.

"Whoa..." Chan and Changbin chorused, Seungmin joining in.

"How did you do it, Jisung?" Chan asked, flabbergasted.

My mind overflowed with the day's events. "nononononono." I immediately thought of Minho calling out my name while he came. I swallowed the lump in my throat. "W-What?" I managed- looking guilty as hell.

"You've tamed a feral cat." He laughed and I lost it. Laughing nervously, It was true Minho was usually very distant until he decided to joke and spar.

Shortly everyone was standing, and giving us hugs of high fives- much more supportive than I imagined, but I shouldn't have been surprised since everyone adored Changbin and Felix and they were a thing long before Minho and I.

Jeongin came over and hugged Minho- a rare sight to behold from our least touchy friend. "I am glad you found your Sungie- now you can stop making up songs about him all the time." He accused and Minho's face went white.

"I do not!" He blustered and I had to laugh.

"You make songs about me, eh? I teased, reaching my hand out to pinch his waist. He dodged me, and quickly maneuvered to be behind me, where the back hugged me swiftly and a little too sexily with an audience.

"Whoa!" again rang out and all eyes were on us. The whole room held it's breath and we were the best k-drama in the world right now.

"Of course, I wrote songs about you, baby. He mumbled, only loud enough for the closest people to hear. He kissed the back of my neck and my eyes closed involuntarily; my knees buckled- his strong arms the only thing keeping me up. "Now let's get to work, eh?" he commanded, and six shocked faces moved to get into position.

Rehearsal was hard but fun as usual, and I found myself dancing in a way I never knew I could. I was winded but laughing and was getting compliment from Hyunjin and Felix on my dancing. Minho expressed his admiration too, and my cheeks went hot.

"Someone found some extra confidence today." Hyunjin stated, went I managed to nail a difficult move.

Binnie chose that moment to drape his arms around Hyunjin and whisper "Good dick will do that to you." With a laugh. Felix looked at him with wide eyes like "I can't take this man anywhere."

Hyunjin's ears went red, and I knew his thoughts. I looked at him with pity. But didn't deny it. I was feeling myself today and I knew it was all thanks to Minho.

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