At My Mercy

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Minho POV

I slammed us through the door, the eagerness to claim him again so strong I was fumbling and nearly dropped him on the bed.

He landed ungracefully in a splay of limbs on his bed and his big eyes loomed, his mouth forming a tiny O shape. I was tearing at my pants, trying to get free of them- my heart pounding so hard I thought I'd die if I didn't get my hands on Jisung's sweet little body again soon. My fingers didn't seem to want to work, but blessedly, his small hands reached out and Jisung deftly undid my belt, his eyes on mine. The innocent eye contact with an edge of curiously eager fear almost enough to make me cum right then. The effect he had on me was unlike anything I had ever experienced before.

"Baby. Slow down- I'm not going anywhere." He said in his lower voice and fuck he was trying to kill me. I was free of my clothes, and he sat on the edge of the bed, looking at me, waiting for instruction.

He was perfect. Fucking perfect. So pliant and willing to please. I licked my lip and he watched me, mirroring the action with his own. He leaned back, his legs open, putting his whole body on display for me. I looked down at him and my eyes trailed over him, taking in his wide shoulders and sculpted chest. My mouth watered as I eye fucked his stomach and the curve of his waist. His hips perfectly highlighted the gorgeous honey length of him, hard and waiting.

My hand found his throat, squeezing firmly. He made a sweet, trapped sound and my cock twitched. My thumb traced over his bottom lip, catching a bit of wetness before I caressed my way down his body, my mouth catching his in a crushing kiss.

"How do you want me?" he whispered; his tongue wet against the shell of my ear.

"On your side, on your stomach, on your back- against the wall-"my brain screamed. Fuck, the options were endless, and I salivated thinking about the ways his mouth would fall open in pleasure for each one. "Just like this." I said quietly- reverently.

My hands roamed down his body, griping his hips, pulling his legs farther apart as I positioned myself between them fully. I lifted his hips, angling him so his legs could be draped over my shoulders. In this position. My hands full of his ass, he was on display for me, and I could watch his expressions as I fucked him senseless- which was exactly what I planned to do.

The shift of position notched my cock against his entrance, and he made a low groaning sound. "Baby." He uttered, barely audible as he rubbed against me. The small amount of movement was enough to make me want to slam into him- and as much as I wanted to do exactly that, I had the foresight to reach over and retrieve the lube.

I drizzled the liquid between our bodies, watching him bite his lip as he watched-his hips angling up to catch it in anticipation. It was cold and he made a tiny whimper in surprise.

My mouth quirked up into a half smile and My hand traced over his stomach and pelvis, going between us to spread the lube where I needed it, using two fingers to test his readiness. His eyes rolled back in his head as I fingered him. God I was desperate to fuck him, but his reactions were too delicious to rush too much. I ran my other hand over him, squeezing his pec, rolling his nipple between my thumb and forefinger. He whined and I added a third finger, causing him to whine and buck against my hand.

"Miinnho!" He whined "Stop teasing." He complained. I withdrew my hand from his chest and brought it down again, smacking against his pec hard. "Ow!" he whimpered, shocked.

"I want to fucking tease you." I said through gritted teeth. I wanted to see how he reacted to this game. I was putting on my best mean act, a game I loved- Seungmin had been right about that, I couldn't lie. His eyes looked worried momentarily until he relaxed, realizing what I was doing. I smiled wickedly, seeing he was willing to play. "Who's my pretty little Slut?" I whispered, leaning over him, biting him where I had just slapped him, his flesh still reddened.

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