I Think He Bought It

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 Seungmin POV

"I can't fucking believe I just did that. I can't believe Jisung was the one who came up with it. And Holy shit I think we pulled it off! Woojin bought it." I thought, walking to my room after we went through with Plan A. The others branched off, first Chan and Jeongin, who looked at me with something... was it gratitude? I quirked a smile back and bid them goodnight. Chan looked at me with another expression- a mixture of pity and concern. Bin pulled me into a headlock hug before he shoved me playfully away. Felix and Hyunjin wrapped an arm around me each.

"You sure you're okay? Do want to hang out a bit?" Hyunjin invited, even as Bin's face screamed against it.

I smirked, not taking the fact that he wanted to be with his lovers instead of me personal. "No- I'm good. I have to finish the ruse, anyway- remember?"

He nodded reluctantly and I filled me with happiness that my brothers were being so unquestionably concerned for me now. It made me realize I should have gone to them before- that they really did have my back, even if we gave each other a hard time constantly. I made it to my room and let myself in. It was so quiet- it was always so silent after being with the others, but for once it didn't feel left out or lonely. I was at peace. I showered, singing- playing with arpeggios and lyrics, inspiration cascading over me like the steam engulfing me.

I finished washing, then jotted down what I had come up with to discuss with Chan, Ji and Bin later.

I took my time brushing my hair, making a coffee and even let myself take a few minutes to decide what to watch as I lounged in bed. I knew I had a bit of free time- Woojin would be more than pleased with me right now.

I settled in bed, wrapped in my pajamas and warm robe. I scrolled back through the images we had staged and some of them made my skin crawl with how very realistic they looked- the insinuation of acts obvious. I took a deep breath and a gulp of my iced coffee, and opened my messages.


Me: hey you, it's done.

Wooj: Do I get details you perfect dirty boy?

I tensed with his words of praise- hating that the only way he would give me affirmation was because he thought I had raped one of my best friends. It dawned on me how truly fucked up that was, but I answered to appease him anyway.

Me: Better. I took pictures for you.

Woojin: shit.

Woojin: he let you do that?

Shit, was he on to the game? I thought then decided he was just shocked. I thought how to play it and sent him a pic- a mirror selfie, Jisung bent over the counter- his eyes wide with fear and me behind him- an expression I didn't know I could make on my face- I looked downright evil. To Woojin it would look like my dick was buried in Ji, one of my hands holding him in an arm bar so he couldn't get away.

Me: By the time I left he was 

begging me for more, Wooj.

Wooj: God damn- that's hot as fuck.

Wooj: Maybe I should have been 

using you other ways all this time.

Wooj: Where are you now?

Me: My room. He was exhausted, 

so let the little lamb sleep.

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