Midnight Snack

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After snuggling some, we ventured to the kitchen to hunt for a snack. All the lights were still off, so I figured Chan and Binnie were still out. We decided to make some noodles.

"I'll cook. You relax." Minho suggested, back to being sweet.

I sat at the kitchen table and watched him chop veggies to sauté and eat with our noodles and was overcome with the need to hug him. I went up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist, my head on his shoulder.

Minho smiled and fed me a bit of carrot, which I munched happily. How easily we orbited each other I thought. Like we had been made for each other. "Whoa." My brain boomed. Halting my suddenly delusional train of thought. "Calm that shit down right now." I reprimanded myself. Minho didn't notice my internal argument, he just kept on humming and cooking- fully immersed in the domestic activity. I kissed his neck at the edge of his hair line and felt him smile and stifle a chuckle.

"Baby, you're insatiable." He chastised, his tone teasing and not all serious.

"Mm. Maybe I am." I teased back, pulling his shirt aside and kissing his shoulder. My hand going under his shirt to squeeze his pec. He resisted my flirtations and finished chopping, adding the veggies to cook. He placed the knife in the sink carefully and pivoted, suddenly facing me, still in the circle of my arms.

He kissed me, my arms snaking up his back, one at his waist and he was holding me gently, swaying me... dancing with me? He swayed us in a slightly rotating circle, kissing me senseless as he did. His hands caressed down my sides to my hips, over my ass- which earned him a small whine of leftover pain, to my thighs. He gripped them and in one swift, smooth motion, he was lifting me- placing me on the counter.

My heart leapt at the abrupt show of strength and the utter alpha maleness of it. "Oh." I whimpered, surprised by Minho again. Minho stood between my legs, his hands rubbing my thighs and I was burning again. I wrapped my legs around him and we kissed, deeply and thoroughly, our tongues dancing, desperate to taste every tiny bit of each other. I was making tiny noises in my throat between a moan and a whine and Minho returned the sounds with the occasional growl of satisfaction. He only paused briefly once to stir the food, and I thought with a smile "Gotta love a man who can multitask" He went back to kissing me, one hand diving into my pants, cupping my growing cock. "Fuck, Minho." I gasped and his other hand went to my ass, gripping aggressively, pulling my hips closer to him.

"You're so beautiful baby. He breathed, kissing down my throat and bare chest, not having bothered with a shirt when we came to snack hunt, and I was suddenly very grateful for the foresight. He kissed down my stomach, licking long strokes down me.

Minho removed his hand from my ass, apparently pleased how far he'd pulled my hips toward him. His was pushing my chest back and I complied, leaning back against the counter, supporting my weight on my elbows. This angle gave me a perfect view on Minho licking my stomach, teasing me. He nipped me on my waist and I made a little surprised sound. His eyes met mine and he smirked. In a movement I almost missed, he turned the stovetop down, his gaze never leaving me. He kissed down my stomach, lower, lower under his teeth found the waistband of my sweatpants. He bit the fabric and dragged down the material, revealing his hand which was working over my cock., making my thoughts fuzzy again. He licked down my hip bone then kissed my dick, tiny little sweet kisses that were anything but. My head fell back in ecstasy, and I let out a sigh.

I didn't know what I had done in a previous life to deserve this man, but in that moment, I was thankful for whatever it had been. He took me in his mouth, resuming his humming from earlier. Languidly he gave me head, like the only thing in the world at that moment was him and I. And I suppose, that's all there really was. I was panting, my legs began to shake, and I made horribly embarrassing moan-whine noises. His technique was already masterful, but the humming put me over the edge. I wasn't going to last long, and he knew it. He released me and kissed my length again a few times, teasing. His fingers tickled their way up my chest, finding my nipples to roll and pinch.

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