Look At How Beautiful You Are

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Jisung POV

My chest was pressed against the glass of the shower door, my palms holding me away just slightly and for leverage. My heart was in my throat, beating fast and unsteady as I watched Minho- reflected in the mirror languidly readying the suds he was going to spread over my body. His eyes met mine through the reflection and Holy fuck something in his gaze was so predatory. I felt like prey that wanted to be caught- ensnared by this gorgeous man- toyed with and fucked senseless. I caught my bottom lip between my teeth in eager anticipation.

I waited as he trifled with the soap, growing impatient. It was true I couldn't wait to top him, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't abso-fucking lutely love the way his aggressive gaze made my knees weak and the feel of his hands on my skin made my want to moan for him. Let's not forget the way the feel of him buried inside made me feel truly, blissfully complete.

Minho was the piece I never knew I had been missing. The key that unlocked a whole aspect of myself I wouldn't have thought was missing. He winked at me over my shoulder as his lips pressed against the crook of my neck. I wanted to close my eyes and lay my head back against him as he teased me, but I wouldn't. I wasn't going to miss a second of this.

He seemed to know what I was thinking, as always and whispered lowly. "Eyes on me, Baby." His hands were running the shower sponge over my back and waist, his hands playing through the slickness with his fingers tickling, caressing- eliciting happy little moans from me. "Are you trying to be quiet, Sungie?" he questioned, pulling me slightly away from the glass so he could run his soapy hands over my chest- paying extra attention to my nipples.

My eyes fluttered closed involuntarily and I sighed heavily. I swallowed twice before I could form words. 'N-no. Just enjoying they way your hands feel on me." I admitted.

"Mmm." He responded, his hands moving lower over my stomach then my hips and groan. He took extra time there, stroking my growing dick languidly. "Do you like that?" he whispered, as he cupped my testicles, gently caressing his fingers over them. The suds made everything so impossibly slick and I was nodding, little whines escaping through my half parted lips.

"Yes, baby. I like that." I whispered.

"Good- then look at me, I want you to watch as I make you feel good." He reminded me and my eyes snapped open, finding his gaze first then travelling down, down until I was watching him play with me, a new type of tingle making my skin crawl deliciously.

"Oh God." I sighed and his teeth dug into my shoulder- just enough to move my gaze again. There was so much to see- I didn't want to miss any of it. He shifted his body as he continued soaping me up, finally spreading the suds over my ass. His chest pressed against my back and his hips gently pressed against me. I groaned, tilted my hips back against him wantonly.

"Tsk, tsk. He scolded. "Not yet, baby. Let me play." He breathed and oh shit I wanted him to play with me.

"Yes please." I consented- even though he hadn't really asked permission.

"Stay right here." He commanded, leaving a kiss on my cheek. He sidled past me and exited the shower, wrapping a towel around his hips as he left. My eyes went wide, and my mouth formed a little O of surprise- wondering exactly why he was leaving. I suddenly felt cold without his presence. He seemed to emit warmth and I was now craving it. It seemed like an hour before he came back- his chest wet with beads of water. He dropped his towel and held up one of his hands- presenting the small bottle of lube.

"Ah that makes sense" I thought.

"Soap is very fun and slippery- but water makes things grip, and not in a fun way." He explained and I nodded- I would not have thought of that. He entered the shower and the space instantly warmed, and I melted against him when he touched me. "You are so pliant tonight, Baby." He praised and I moved against him- willing, content. He pressed his lips against the shell of my ear and breathed against my skin, causing goosebumps to spring forth. "Hold still." He ordered and I obeyed without thought.

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