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Jisung's POV

I was lounging in bed, the fresh sheets still cool against my freshy showered skin. I was laughing full belly laughs-watching Minho dance around my bathroom- singing theatrically as he shaved. He wore just a towel, slung low across his hips- the tuck of it precariously close to unraveling. He was throwing winks and blowing kisses at me as he put on a performance worth of every award imaginable. He was acting out of character for him, but then the whole evening had been out of character for him. I decided I really fucking liked him this way and made a promise to myself I would do everything in my power to make him feel at ease and loved so I could see this adorable silly side every day.

He pointed to me and winked as he belted out " Bad bitches and your ugly ass friends (Haha) Can I preach? (Uh-oh) Can I preach? (Uh-oh) I gotta show 'em how a pimp get it in!" while I filled in the background vocals happily.

"I love you so fucking much." I sighed, dissolving into a mound on the bed.

His face appeared in the doorway again, patting his fresh face on another towel. "Oh?" he flirted, stalking toward me, his saunter not unlike a lion stalking it's prey.

He came to the bed and I sat up on my knees, tilting my head back to look at him- begging for a kiss. He cupped my chin with his hand, running the pad of his thumb along my bottom lip before he lowered his mouth to mine. He kissed me, his tongue meeting mine- making me moan eagerly against his mouth. I inhaled deeply and he smelled of shaving cream and his shampoo mixed with wet hair. He tasted like toothpaste and as normal as all that seemed- it had a devastating effect on me.

He broke to kiss, his eyes sparkling as he looked at me and he whispered. "Mine." As his other hand palmed my ass, lifting me slightly off the bed with the force of his grip.

"Mmm. I nodded, winding my arms around his waist. I grabbed his towel wrapped ass in return, both hands full and smirked retorting aggressively "Mine." Reminding him that while, yes, my ass was his to take whenever he wanted- but-now I had claimed his as mine and nobody else's. We had both been each other's first in that regard and I was feeling rather smug about it.

He inhaled sharply and his sarcastic masked melted slightly- proving to me what I already knew- he had loved it and couldn't wait to let me fuck him again. He kissed me on the end of my nose and murmured quietly "Yes- it is." He pushed me back onto the bed, wedging one leg between my legs, pressing that muscled fucking thigh against my groin- making me squirm and moan. I smiled up at him- yielding completely. I love the new game of who's in charge, but I would always- always willingly and happily melt for him and he knew it.

I snaked my hands around his neck, pulling him down to mold my mouth against his- knowing we had a reservation for dinner and not at all caring. He groaned and pressed himself against me- his hand going between our bodies to cup my growing cock. "Baby." I breathed, and he moaned kissing me harder- the start of more.

Then there was a knock on the fucking door.

"Go away!" Minho grunted, his mouth not fully leaving mine. His free hand squeezing my pec- running lightly over my hard nipple.

"Min? is Ji in there with you?" Seungmin's voice asked muffled through the door.

"Fuck off, Seungmin." Minho warned, his mouth moving to lick the hardening nub his fingers were teasing.

"hhnung." I whined slightly as he closed his hot mouth my nipple, his other hand stroking me- making me ache for him.

"Listen- I'm sorry I know I'm the last person you want to see right now-" Seungmin apologized.

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