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Minho's eyes her dark, giving me a look like I was a prey animal.

"Room." He whispered and my feet were carrying me there, my brain only computing his commands. I was buzzing with anticipation.

I stray thought of "why do I like this?" crept into my mind, but quickly dissipated when Minho closed the door behind us. He leaned on against the door, locking it- unnecessary but so, so hot. My room was lit red, the color distorted weirdly, but it definitely set a mood. In this light, Minho's handsome features were even more on display. I couldn't breathe he was so handsome. If I thought him a God before, in this light with that look on his face, he was a devil. And I was prepared to sell my soul to him for a touch.

"What's on your mind, my beautiful baby?" he whispered, his lips trailing kisses down my neck.

"Nothing." I said automatically. His teeth dug into my skin.

"Liar." He accused. "This exercise is to get all those thoughts out of your head. I want your mind blissfully blank. This helps you, doesn't it?" he asked and I realized his commands did indeed stop my overthinking.

"Y-yes. Sir." I added quickly.

"I'll only ask once more- what were you thinking just now- lie again and I'll have to correct you." He threatened, kissing my neck again.

"I was wondering why I liked you telling me what to do, but you just said it. It's so my mind goes blank. It's a rare treat to not be thinking thousands of things at once. It's like you can read my mind. It's amazing." I explained. "Uh, sir. " I added hastily "sorry."

He smiled against my skin. "What else- I know there was more." He licked a long hot line from the hollow of my throat up over my Adam's apple to my jaw.

My mind went blank. No words... Breath caught in my throat, and I licked my lips. "I thought you looked like a devil in this light, and I would sell my soul to you for a touch."

"Mmm." He responded, and kissed me, his teeth nibbling my bottom lip. "If I am a devil- you are my angel. And I want nothing more than to corrupt you." He pulled away and made eye contact with me. "Do you want me to corrupt you, baby?" he asked- ever the responsible Dom.

"Fuck." My brain buzzed "Very much." I breathed before I lost my nerve.

"Good boy." He whispered and kissed me again. His hands were quick, efficient and I hoodie and shirt were in a heap on the floor moments later. "Take your pants off." He ordered, stepping back to watch and God if it wasn't the hottest thing to be fully at his mercy. "Slowly." He added as I fumbled with my belt.

I started to overthink how to be sexy but paused, Minho's eyes on me. I held his gaze and let him hypnotize me with his eyes. His eyes were no looking back into mine- he was fixated on every minute second of me undressing, and I caught him biting his lips involuntarily. "I do that to him." I thought, and my confidence was bolstered. I stood there, naked as commanded and I waited. His gazed travelled on me, taking in every inch of me. I tried desperately not to blush and failed.

He cleared his throat after a long time and spoke "Good. Turn around." He commanded and I obeyed without thought. "I'm going to cuff you. Do you trust me baby?"

"Yes, sir." I answered automatically and realized I did trust him, absolutely.

"Good boy. I want you to tell me your safe word. It can't be stop or no. Something different. If you say it, I stop whatever I am doing right that moment. If you don't feel comfortable, understand?" I nodded, feeling the cold metal against my wrist, against my lower back. He chuckles briefly. "I'm glad I kept these from wardrobe." He teased.

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