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Chan POV

It made me happy that everyone seemed to be doing so well after the last few days which had been extremely stressful. I opened my door and my smile only got bigger when I took in the sight before me. Jeongin. My Jeongin was curled up in my bed, wrapped in the blankets while scrolling on his phone. He saw me and his face lit up in a smile, dimples and all. 

I was still reeling from the fact that this was reality. I had never thought we'd be anything more than just friends- maybe mentor and mentee, but I had been keeping my feelings for him hidden a long time. I had accepted that it was never going to happen and wanted him to find his happiness. That first kiss had brought it all back and everything just felt... right. He was my other half- defiant, sarcastic- challenging. But so very sweet and sexy at the same time. He wanted everything from me he wanted me to be his first- his lover, and dare I say, his happiness. I could live with that.

"Hey Kit- whatcha watching?" I asked conversationally- my curiosity peaked. I sat the snacks he had requested on the bed in a pile and crawled in, fitting myself around his warm body.

"Your fancams from the show earlier." He managed, barely hiding his giggle.

"Really?" but you can see me whenever you want." I teased, my fingers finding his ribs and squeezing, making him contort against me and let out a disgruntled sound.

"Yeah- but the way they are edited is just... too good, Oppa." He explained and showed me one. I watched, cringing inwardly but I saw what he was saying- very well done.

"What about you?" I prompted and he shook his head. "Oh no. Not happening." I started to playfully wrestle him for the phone so I could search up his fancams, but he was stronger than I realized, and I was suddenly under him, my arms pinned on either side of my head. He was looking at me intensely and my eyes went wide as I quietly said "Oh."

"I missed you." He purred and my blood boiled. He leaned down and kissed me, pressing his muscled body against mine, his bare skin on mine making me dizzy. He pressed his hips into mine and I realized exactly how much he had missed me. His mouth went to my neck, leaving open mouthed kisses along my skin until I was shivering beneath him.

"Kit." I warned. I felt him smile against my collarbone before his mouth closed over my nipple- his teeth trapping the tiny nub as his tongue flicked at it playfully. "Fuck." I thought even as my eyes closed and my mouth fell open in ecstasy. He was making me melt- making me his and I was a more than willing participant. The thing with Jeongin was I didn't exactly know who was in charge here. I thought it was me- it made sense that it was me, but he was so aggressive sometimes- it made me wonder. It made me wonder if I wanted to clam him or be claimed by him. The thought of the latter made goosebumps pebble along my skin- or maybe that was his hand, stroking my cock through the silk material of my shorts.

"I want you Chan." He breathed against my skin and "oh shit, yes." my brain screamed.

"Kit- we talked about this- we are going to wait until we get back, remember?" I reminded him- my brain and cock not happy about the sensible words.

He groaned brattishly and lifted his eyes to me. He was pouting. Actually fucking pouting- his full bottom lip sticking out at me. "Don't you want me though, Channie Oppa?" He challenged and sonofabitch I knew what he was doing, and I was letting him do it anyway. I loved it. I craved it.... Him- I craved him.

"Of course I do, Kit." I swallowed, trying to calm down. "More than anything." I said and I came out strangled, low and needy. "Shit." There went my composure I thought.

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