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Changbin POV

Once I got Lix and Hyunnie settled in our room and was sure they were napping, I decided to check out the hotel's gym. It had been two days and I was craving a good workout. I put my earbuds in and started my reps- letting my brain wander and subconsciously work on ideas for future songs. Raps and wordplay coming to me as I lost myself in the weights. Before I knew it, and hour had passed, and though I had texted Jisung and Chan to join me, I was sure they had other things to do.

Probably, no- definitely things I wanted to be doing too- but my principals hadmade sure I took care of my body before I could take care of my mans- mens? "Hmm", I thought trying to figure out that plural. My phone had pinged a few times and I had ignored it, focusing on getting my workout done so I could go back to Hyunjin and Felix.

As I stretched and cooled down, I grabbed my phone and saw several missed texts. I started filing through them, finding Jisung's first.


Me: Hey you want to meet me at the gym- 3racha workout?

Ji: Fuck off Bin

I smirked- knowing it hadn't been Jisung who had typed the message. Minho was always salty when anyone tried to take his Sungie's attention. I scrolled and found Chan's next.


Me: Gym? 10 minutes? Gymracha...

Bang: I mean yeah, sure!

Bang: Might be a bit....

Bang: Nope. Not coming.

I started cackling. That sly little fox. Jeongin was the only one who could keep Chan from the gym with me. I was actually proud.

Next, I checked the many messages from Felix and Hyunjin in our group chat.

Sun, Moon

Sun: Love we woke up and you were gone. Are you working out?

Sun: Have fun! Miss you!

Moon: Hey big boy- bring me back a Monster and snacks!

"Big boy?" I thought, smirking- that's new.

Sun: Hyunnie we can just order room service- ignore him husband.

Moon: c'mon not the husband thing again.

I swear I could hear the whine in Hyunnie's voice. He was very dejected since learning about Felix and I and was always asking what that meant for him. My sweet Prince was always worried we were getting rid of him, when that couldn't have been farther from the truth.

Moon: When are you coming back It's been forever!

Sun: It's been 20 minutes.

Moon: So....

Sun: LOL, Hurry back Love- Hyunnie is getting bored and threatening to attack me.

Moon: I did not!

Sun: Did so.

Moon: Maybe I did. Binnie Binnie come home! I want to..... nope.

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