Secret Secret

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Jisung POV

Backstage was different that any other show up to that point. It was chaos- which was nothing new, but the vibe was all lovey and flirty and sexually charged at different levels.

Chan was watching Jeongin with an intensity I hadn't ever seen. It was unsettling, and was making me blush by proximity. But Jeongin was giving the glances back and smirking- making me think he had acted on his inquires about giving head. Felix caught my eye over Hyunjin's shoulder and smirked- cementing that he was thinking the same thing. I smirked back, pleased we could be of help.

Binnie was singing loudly and dancing around, pulling anyone who passed into it- acting his usual self. But his eyes softened, and he blushed when he looked at Lix and Hyunjin. In a turn of events, Hyunjin was not looking away shyly when Bin teased him- instead he was watching, assessing- licking and biting his lips flirtatiously causing Bin to be flustered. I automatically thought "eww" but then realized, damn the tension was hot.

Seungmin had brought me a coffee, a donut, a fan, slippers and had offered to let me punch him. I watched him tentatively, not exactly sure what the fuck to think. He seemed genuinely upset and remorseful- but it confused me- why would he have attacked me in the first place? It was unlike him- as sarcastic and salty as he was- he was a truly good guy. I thought he just wanted Minho- and was going to be competition- not go after me like that. It just didn't add up. I remained hyper aware of where he was at all times- making sure someone else was always around- an unspoken agreement among the other members as well.

I, for one, couldn't keep my eyes or hands off of Minho. I was a bundle of nerves- knowing I was going to get to top him. My mind was on how and when I was going to go about it- how I could make him feel safe, but at the same time I wanted him to beg for me, whine for me. I swallowed a lump in my throat as I watched him shrug into his jacket, getting ready. I stood and helped him smooth the fabric over his shoulders, helping him adjust his shirt sleeves and button up. I took my time- my hands lingering longer than necessary.

"Baby- are you okay?" he murmured low. There were cameras everywhere- as always, filming content for later dates. The staff now knew, thanks to the lovely spy game the company had played on us- but we still needed to be careful not to be too obvious.

"I'm good." I responded- my voice strained.

"Are you?" he asked, eyebrow raised. He leaned in close and whispered, "Because you look like you're thinking about dirty things you'd like to do to me." He smirked and wiggled his eyebrow, causing me to laugh.

"You're right." I said lowly. "My head is not in the game right now- you'd think after everything earlier I'd be okay but I can't stop thinking about-" I cut off, suddenly aware of being watched. I turned and smiled- a staff member there- aiming a camera at us. I waved and Minho playfully shoved me a teased me- acting annoyed I had been helping him.

I said hello and waved and wandered off- looking for some type of privacy. I went out into the hall- away but close enough I was still in distance of everyone. I leaned against the wall my head falling back, eyes on the ceiling, huffing out a breath and willing my brain to stop thinking about how good Minho's ass looked in his leather pants. And his thighs- those fucking thighs, which had been wrapped around my head just hours before while I sucked him- the taste of hot water and him thick on my tongue. "Fuck." I sighed, annoyed with myself that I couldn't focus on anything but him.

"Baby?" Minho's voice asked quietly. "You gonna need help with that before we go on?" he looked pointedly down at my obvious erection straining against my pants.

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