The Plan

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Minho's POV

I had arrived at the club with Chan and Jeongin- shortly before the others and chosen to sit by myself- at a small table opposite Woojin. He had changed in the years since I had seen him last, but he still smiled with an arrogant boyish charm. That smile had been what Seungmin had fallen for in the first place. He'd told me so one night after too many shots, when he tried to kiss me for the first time. When he had succeeded, and I had learned how incredible of a kisser he was. I closed my eyes against the memory and focused on the task at hand.

In the short time I had placed myself in my quiet corner, I'd had three overly polite women and one waiter offer various sexual acts in the bathroom- and two twinks had nearly tripped on their way by to the private rooms from trying to see me better. It didn't bother me- I had more important things on my mind, like the asshole who wanted to hurt my lover across the room from me.

Woojin sat, his arms draped over the back on the booth, chatting with the two men there. I heard snippets of their conversation and my blood boiled when they talked about the things they planned to make the new toy do. They toy they spoke of was Jisung. My Jisung.

"Yeah," The taller one with a goatee boasted. "I bet he'll be begging for my cock in the first twenty minutes." He laughed, and Woojin slapped him jokingly.

"Fuck you, Kim, I'm going to fuck him so hard he won't sit right for weeks!" He laughed. All of this a fun game to them.

It made my hackles rise and I suddenly felt extremely bad for Seungmin. Dealing with these fuckers was normal for him and that knowledge made bile rise in my throat. What had they done to him? And how had he managed to continue like nothing was wrong all this time?

Woojin's phone pinged and he made a production of checking it. "Pup is here, with his little bitch." He informed the others and my posture changed- suddenly hyper aware of every person in the club. My eyes met Hyunjin's across the way and he inclined his head at the information I was giving him nonverbally. He ran his hands lightly along the ribs of both Bin and Felix and they started kissing- acting- putting on a good show for the other patrons to watch. A distraction. It was a good one- getting the attention of no less than twelve club goers- a huge bodyguard included. Hyun looked at Jeongin and he winked, moving Chan's hair back form his face- their signal to start a conversation with the bartender.

Seungmin and Jisung entered, and every single person not distracted by the sinful looking angel and buff cowboy making out watched them, regardless of gender or availability. I swallowed- not liking that Jisung was on a leash led by Seungmin- even if I knew that was the plan.

They greeted Woojin- even the slightest attention he gave Jisung making me mad. Their conversation went about how I had expected, but I felt myself snarl when Seungmin had Ji suck his fingers. The way his eyes watched Seungmin- worse, the way they closed as he swirled his tongue around the digits- that was for me. And Seungmin was going to pay dearly for this little show tonight.

I nearly knocked the table over when Seungmin tugged on the nipple chain causing him make that sound. The bastard was enjoying this. I realized, And when his mouth met Jisung's my vision constricted. "Fuck" I cursed internally, fury flowing over my skin. When Sungie kissed him back, it felt like I was on fire with rage and ice cold with fear at the same time.

I couldn't fucking do this... I couldn't watch the love of my life kissing my ex- and making the sounds that were only for me to hear. My phone buzzed with a message from Chan and it was probably something along the lines of "chill out." But I couldn't take my eyes off the display in front of me. "It's an act. It's fake. We went over this." I reminded myself- but seeing it was different. I had not prepared for the way it squeezed my insides like someone was going to pull them out from my throat. They way my skin crawled with jealousy.

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