Like Heaven

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The walk back to Minho's apartment was quick- he grabbed my hand and damn near ran us back to his place. We were inside in an instant and heading up the stairs to his room. In the upper hallway he paused, pushing me against the wall, his arms caging me there.

His mouth crashed down on mine, his body pressed against me as much as possible. I whimpered against his mouth and that did something to him. He growled and ground his hips against me. My eyes flew open in shock as I realized how very much he was enjoying this.

He pulled away and started kissing down my neck, nibbling and biting as he did. "Holy shit." I thought "I need to calm down- this is too much, and not enough all at once." My mind was wild.

"You're so damn hot." Minho breathed against my neck, biting me there, marking me. The twinge of pain was so sexy, and I didn't even mind. My arms were around his, under his jacket, playing along his muscled back.

His hands were everywhere, grabbing my ass, pulling me closer- under my hoodie, tracing my abs. I was dizzy with sensations- any memory of my earlier cold shower gone. "Minho.." I moaned, his name a prayer on my lips.

"I love the sound of my name coming from your lips, baby." He whispered, his hands at my zipper, which would usually concern me, but his words were clouding any other coherent thoughts at that moment. His hand was on my hip, not going further- but the promise was there.

"Oh Minho, I would say anything you wanted me to right now. "I sighed and his lips were on mine again, his tongue finding my own and dancing as if they'd been doing it for years. Another, louder moan came from my throat and Minho's hand moved inside my jeans. Minho's hand on the back of my neck the only thing keeping my head from falling back in pure bliss.

"Oh Fuuuck!" a voice announced, and I immediately recognized it as Seungmin.

"Oh fuck was right." My brain computed. Minho pulled away from the kiss languidly- not a care in the world, though he carefully shielded my body and where is hand was from our friend.

"Go away, Seungmin." He mumbled, obviously annoyed.

"NO way! This is gold!" he laughed "Hey guys, look what I found, he said cheerily, turning his phone toward us. He was on facetime with Chan, Changbin, Felix and Hyunjin.

I was scarlet, my embarrassment skyrocketed, and I could have died right there. I heard a chorus of whoops and cheers mixed with laughter from the phone, but I didn't see their reaction because my face was buried in Minho shoulder at that moment.

"Yah, Minsung for life!" Changbin's loud voice cheered, obviously pleased.

"Oi! Whoa, oh, OH!" Chan's voice squeaked, surprised.

Felix's deep nervous laugh was present and Hyunjin sounded like he was the one who was just caught by all his friends being groped and making out with his longtime crush. Drama at it's finest.

"At least Jeongin had been spared." I thought until his voice travelled up the stairs, asking "Seungmin, are we going to lunch or not? "Nevermind." I amended.

"Minho, couldn't you take him to your room before you started to maul him?" Hyunjin asked, having calmed his hysterics.

"Are we going to lunch? Jeongin asked again, having reached the top of stairs. "Oh. His eyes travelled over the scene before him, not sure how to react. Something like terror in his eyes.

"I think Minho found something tastier to eat." Seungmin chuckled and a chorus of loud cackles rang through the hall.

I wanted to die. I wanted to melt through the floor. I wanted Minho to kiss me again.

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