Tell Me I'm Yours

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Jisung POV

His hands were lava, burning away my body, and I wouldn't have fled for the world. I met his eyes, and he smiled down at me as he kissed along my arm, soothing where his hands had branded me as his. My breath caught as his body moved with mine, a sinful, decadent dance as we writhed together, my eager moans met with his own groans of desire. "Harder." I whispered in his ear, knowing he was holding back for my sake. He bit his lip as his head lolled to the side, deciding if he would give me what I asked. "Please." I whined, desperate.

"Please?" His voice snapped me to reality. "I hope it's something I can help with." Minho teased, his voice low and sultry.

I came to, my eyes, blurry with sleep, my brain still half in my dream- God another dream, so hot. I worked to sit up, making sleepy stretch sounds. "How long was I out?" I asked- trying to avoid his question.

"Little over an hour." He responded, setting down a steaming bowl of food next to the bed. "Don't think you're not telling me what dirty dream you were having this time." He threatened, kissing me quickly but with promise. "Your dirty dreams are so good." He wiggled his eyebrows and I blushed, shifting as I sat and feeling a twinge.

"Eh!" I complained, wincing. I ached; my body as sore as if I had been in the gym for one of Changbin's brutal sessions. I rolled my shoulders, shaking some of the tenseness away as I assessed all the places I was hurting. Everywhere it seemed, and places that I never thought could ache- at least not like that. I groaned, making whiny little complaining noises.

Minho shook his head, his eyes looking down, and grabbed me, lifting me and positioning me to a relatively comfortable sitting position against the pillows. "Eat." He suggested, nodding toward the bowl of steaming food he had brought me. It smelled absolutely amazing and when I grabbed it, I realized he had cooked for me. I smiled, knowing Minho showed his love with food.

"You made me food." I said quietly. He just nodded once and made his little sound of agreement.

"After you eat, I'll run you a bath." He informed me, handing me a Coke. "It will help the soreness. His eyes couldn't meet mine and his ears were scarlet. He was concerned. I caught his wrist as he tried to fluff the pillows around me again.

"Baby." I spoke in my deep voice. "Sit with me." He sat, his hands finding thing to fidget with, his eyes on the door, on the lamp, on anywhere but me. I sighed. "Look at me, please." I implored.

His eyes, sheepish, unsure- met mine and I could see doubt in them. He gave me his awkward grin- the one he made when he didn't know what to say.

"Baby- I'm fine." I assured him. I set the bowl aside and lunged at him, hugging him tightly as I pushed him back onto the mattress. I Pinned him, straddling his hips. His hands rested lightly on my hips, this time he was unsure what to do with his hands. "You don't believe me but I feel...." I considered my wording as I kissed him, nipping his lip to allow my tongue to meet his. I pulled back after a long moment once his finger started to grip my flesh. "More like myself than I ever have." I finished my sentence.

He smirked. "You're sex drunk." He teased- no taking me seriously.

"I might be..." I acquiesced chuckling "But it's true- I'm a better me because of you." I ran my hands up his stomach, under his shirt, feeling him squirm under me.

His expression changed and I knew I had him back. "You're just saying that, so I'll fuck you again." He whispered, flirting.

I shrugged. "Maybe I am." I flirted back, rolling my hips against him, feeling his interest strain against his pants. "Is it working?" I continued, wanting to continue where my dream left off.

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