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Morning came too early, and the heavy feeling of exhaustion was deep in my limbs. I woke warm, content but abruptly. My head lifted deliriously as I heard my name being called along with repeated knocks at my door.

"Go away." I groaned and rolled away from the sound instinctively. As I yanked the blanket over my head, I collided with something hard and warm. Minho. I opened my eyes and looked at him. He was still asleep- his lips parted slightly, showing his teeth just a bit. He looked so peaceful and cute. I smiled and burrowed my face into his chest, my leg wrapping around his.

My hand rested on his stomach- and his bare skin was on fire. He was a human heater and I loved it. I smiled wickedly as my hand started to travel south, finding the band of his boxers. I bit my lip.... Having a very bad idea. Maybe a really good idea depending on how you looked at it. I listened for a moment and realized the knocking had stopped; the persistent alarm clock roommate having given up.

I smiled wickedly, looked once more at Minho, who was now smiling in his sleep. I thought he might like to be woken up in a more pleasant way and stealthily ducked fully under the blankets. My hands worked quickly, working his boxer down just enough. He was, as expected, hard. "Morning wood truly is a gift." I mused and licked him once, a long movement from the tip of his dick all the way to his base. His dick twitched, and a breathy sigh came from his throat. I smiled again, pleased. I cupped his testicles, testing his reaction. I lightly ran my thumb over the sensitive bare skin, grateful Minho took his self-maintenance seriously. I ran my tongue over the spot I traced with my thumb, the feel of the skin new and strange. This earned me a sound I had never heard Minho make, something of a strangled whimper/ moan/ cry of not agony- but something akin to surprise.

I froze immediately, Minho's sound of anguish drawing attention it seemed, as my door slammed open. I didn't see what transpired, safely under the blankets as I was. I stifled a laugh and playfully bit Minho's inner thigh, earning an annoyed but very sexy whine.

"Christ guys!" We thought someone was hurt!" Chan complained in his worried but exasperated voice.

"You good, Minho? Felix's deep voice sounded as I nibbled more on Minho's thigh, his patience running thin, judging by the way his voice was strained.

"I'm- fine." He managed. "You guys can g-go."

"You sure?" Changbin's voice asked "I can see Jisung's feet hanging out of the blankets. What's he doing to you under there?" He asked. "Oh Jisungie---- we know you're there..." His voice changed to teasing tone and I bit Minho one more time, sucking on his muscular thigh, intending to leave a mark, as if to confirm that I was, indeed, there and in charge.

I had gone too far. Minho's hand clamped onto my head over the blankets, and he growled "Stop." Through gritted teeth. I unclamped my jaws and licked him again along the seam of his balls, that growl instantly morphing to the most submissive whimper I'd ever heard a man make.

"Well, ew." Chan uttered as cackles of laughter at Minho's whines followed from the others. "Whatever you're doing to poor Minho, Jisung, finish- the cars will be here in 20 minutes. We have interviews and filming stuff to do today." There's bacon and toast- if you can beat Changbin to what's left." His voice getting farther away.

I heard feet running and knew bacon was not in our future. The door creaked closed and a small, deep whisper said, "You guys are adorable." before Felix closed the door.

Once the door fully closed, the blanket was ripped off, revealing my smiling, giggling face. Minho was looking at me with an expression of complete shock and panic. I sat back on my heels immediately. Worry painting my expression.

"What the fuck was that?" he accused.

"I-I." My eyes couldn't meet his "I thought you'd like it..." I tried explaining sheepishly. "I'm sorry. I won't ever do that again." I added, whatever ego I'd awoken with deflated. I started to get up off the bed to sulk away in shame when Minho's hands gripped my arms.

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