Scream For Me

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Minho POV

My brain hurt with how much I wanted him. My hands ached to touch him and the knowledge that the last hands on him weren't mine made the jealous, protective part of me rage forward. I locked his door and stalked over to him. He was still in the bed- part under the blankets from the farce we had all just helped make happen. He laid on his side, propped up on his right elbow, his left leg bent at the knee, putting his soft but toned belly on display- framed by stark white hotel linens and tight black boxers. Fuck my mouth was watering.

He watched me and his face changed. The serious expression from handling a task gone- a playfully challenging one replaced it. As I started to climb on the bed, he laid back against the mattress, allowing me to hover over him, catching his mouth in a crushing kiss. Fuck he tasted good- his Chapstick mixed with a hint of saltiness from pizza, and I was nibbling his bottom lip, moaning against his mouth as I swung my leg over him. I was straddling him- which was new, and not at all unpleasant. His hands went under my shirt- running his hands over my sides, fingers trailing along my ribs, tickling, getting me to squirm. His hips tilted upward, and I felt him pressed against my ass- a reminder of how much he wanted me.

"Baby." I groaned against him- warning gently that I was in charge tonight, even as I rubbed against him- some instinct I didn't know I had taking over.

His hands went to my ass as he sucked in a sharp breath. "Then stop grinding your ass against my dick, Min." he warned.

"I didn't." I protested, knowing I was lying.

"Really?" he challenged, giving me an annoyed look as he rolled his hips against me, his hard dick pressing against my ass crack, making me close my eyes at the unfamiliar sensation coursing up my spine.

"What the fuck was that?" I sighed, my eyes wide and staring at him.

He smiled. Chuckled, pushing my hips down so I was grinding against him harder. "That's your body begging to be fucked by me." he said teasingly.

I shivered and my brain went "fuuuck." as somewhere deep in my core clenched with need. "How did you do that?" I asked.

"Do what?" he asked, cocking his head to the side, which made his fluffy hair splay out on the pillow cutely. Then it dawned on him "The tingling squeeze in your core? Yeah, you want me- bad." He smirked flirtatiously.

I shoved him. And leaned down to kiss him again, trailing my mouth along his neck to his ear. "But you forget- I'm fucking you into the mattress tonight."

He shivered beneath me. "Yes. You are." He responded, his hand going to the zipper of my pants, eager. I let him undress me- his fingers working quickly to peel off my shirt and get my pants open. He stretched his upper half to kiss along my chest as he undressed me, so that I was more straddling his lap. His eyes looked into mine hungrily as he circled one nipple then the other with his tongue- his hands on my hips, pulling my against him.

"You're doing it again." I murmured as he tried to take control.

"Baby- I'm sorry I just-"He started, his mouth trailing down my stomach.

"Want to be in control for once?" I finished and he nodded.

"Yes." He sighed, relieved I understood.

I nodded once. "I have an idea, then." I swallowed, anticipation making my mouth water. "Ji- will you fuck my mouth?' I asked quietly.

His eyes looked at me heavy lidded and he smirked at me. "I thought you'd never ask." He squeezed my hips and added. "I've been wanting to do it again, but didn't know how to say it."

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