Perfect Fit

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 This chapter, I had a request for a different character POV. Hope you enjoy!

Hyunjin POV

I woke up, still deliciously exhausted and slightly hungover. I felt delicate fingers on my lips and smiled lightly, my eyes barely opening. I ran a hand through my hair and stretched as much as possible without really moving. I looked down at my chest, Changbin's smiling face resting there. He was smiling, tracing my lips with his fingers. His body was away from mine, Felix curled against his back in between the wedge our bodies made, sleeping heavily.

I smiled at the view, memorizing the curve of Binnie's hip where it met his thigh and the way the morning sun turned his skin a burnished gold. In contrast the lighter tan of Felix's arm wrapped possessively around his waist hand my hand aching to not only paint them, but to touch them. My fingers twitched at my side, but I kept myself from acting on my impulse.

"You are so beautiful." Changbin whispered, being careful not to wake Felix.

I smiled and turned away, cheeks flaming, still shy about his attention.

"Don't be like that, Dumpling." He murmured, gripping my chin and pulling my face back to look at him. The nickname making me smile but blush even more.

"Binnie. don't call me that." I groaned.

"What do you want me to call you then?" He asked.

I fidgeted and wiggled, trying to turn away from embarrassment. "Just my name?" I grumbled.

"Of course, my Hyunjinnie." He cooed "But I want call you a pet name." I chuckled and tried to pull away again. He sat up, pivoted, and grabbed my waist, easily pulling me into his arms, crushing his chest against my back. His breath was hot on my neck, and he placed his lips against my skin where my neck and shoulder met. "You're a tease." He spoke against my skin, lightly pressing his teeth into my skin, causing my breathe to catch. My prince...." He whispered and kissed along my shoulders, earning a tortured sigh from me.

This man was too much. Too bold, too sweet, too infuriatingly sexy. I had never felt quite this way about a guy before and yet here I was, in the very muscled arms of Changbin, our precious, angelic Lix still snoozing from being utterly blissed out all night. It had been amazing. Lix and I just fit perfectly, but Binnie.. I wasn't sure. I wanted him. God I did, but I was still trying to figure out exactly where I fit in with my men.

"My Men." I thought.

"You're overthinking, my prince." Changbin breathed against my skin, his face nuzzling my back, kissing me lightly.

"Am I?" I asked causing him to stop. "This is all so very new to me." I paused, peeling myself from his embrace so I could turn and look at him. "I don't know if I'm going to fit with you two. You're so perfect, I don't want to screw that up." I pouted.

Binnie looked hurt for a moment, then his expression changed to one of compassion." Hyunjin." He said clearly and I knew he was being serious. His hands cupped my jaw, as he looked me in the eyes. "We want you. I will protect you, and Felix. You have my word. Tell me what you want, what you need to feel safe and comfortable. I will do it." He said, nodding once to punctuate his words.

I bit my bottom lip once and lunged for him, pushing him back on the bed. I hovered over him, his eyes surprised I had managed to overpower him. His flirty smiled splayed across his lips and I leaned down, kissing him. For once, he yielded to me, letting me take control. All our kisses before this had been initiated by him, and I was suddenly high from being in charge. His hands found my sides, caressing down my body so he could pull me closer to him.

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