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Jisung POV

I bit my lip as I cried out, Minho's teasing having turned a bit rough. I was covered in a sheen of sweat, Minho's skin glowing as well. We had been at it for hours, our mouths on every nearly every inch of each other's bodies. I had lost all sense of where and when I was hours before.

"Baby." Minho asked, laying stretched out on his side next to me. He bit his bottom lip as he looked over me, his hands caressing over my chest. He pinched my nipple and I sighed- every touch like fire.

"You know that thing you were trying in the morning?" he looked away, refusing eye contact. He skirted around the actual question, and I found it very cute.

"Yeah." I countered acting like it was no big deal. My fingers traced along his collarbone and pecs, circling each hard nipple in turn. His eyes closed and he head fell back.

"Look at me." I commanded and the surprise on his face was very real.

"Baby, did you just?"

"Use your line?" I asked. "Yes. I did." I rolled onto my side and kissed him. "Tell me, baby. You want me what?" I teased, loving how cute he got when I let my aggressive side out.

"Ji." He said as way of warning. "You know." He whispered and let it rest, kissing my way down his glorious body. I nestled myself between his legs as I had done previously and kissed the insides of his thighs, making my way up to lick the sensitive seam of his balls. Once again, he made a strangled sound and I didn't stop, his hands gripping the sheets so tightly I thought he might rip them. I continued, testing out where else he was that sensitive, alternating circling my tongue and licking in long strokes.

I turned my eyes upward, looking up the line of his body to find his eyes on me, watching desperately. I chose that moment to take them fully in my mouth as I stroked his hard dick with one hand. He groaned so loudly I was certain that if anyone was asleep, which I doubted, he would have woken them up. I was vaguely aware of a knock on the wall, signaling that we were very much being heard. I worked him until he was growling my name. "Christ, JI. Oh my God, Baby. Please... nggh." He moaned and came once more. I felt like a sex God and licked him clean, earning me more cute little whimpers. "Baby, you are becoming dangerous." He sighed.

I nodded, "You love it, though." I mumbled, my tongue still lapping at his belly, and he chuckled gripping my hair roughly. He pulled my head up his body and kissed me deeply, crushing every inch of my body to his.

My body hummed, fueled by multiple orgasms, my brain was a bullet train, barreling down the tracks faster with every second. Phrases and notes flittered past and as Minho nibbled on my bottom lip, the need to make a note of a particularly good lyric hit me and I pulled away, trying to keep kissing him, but also desperate to jot this down.

'Baby- where are you going?" Minho whined, crawling to the edge of the bed as I stumbled toward my desk.

"Just a sec... I thought of something. I have to write it down." I explained, searching frantically for my notebook or phone or anything to make note.

"Ooooo." He teased "I've inspired my baby." He murmured, sitting up and making little happy wiggles, causing me to smile distractedly.

I found a notebook and pencil and quickly poured the thoughts out of my brain, mouthing words here and there as I went- and it was as if I was a conduit, the words flowing out of my body and onto the paper. Separate notes on music notes and arpeggios wound themselves among the lyrics and after several minutes, I felt Minho's presence leaning over me.

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