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Jisung POV

"Fuck me good, Baby." He said and I almost fucking lost it right there. It took everything I had not to slam into his tight little asshole right then. But no-not yet. I had done everything I could to make him ready- to take it slow and make it memorable for him. I was savoring it- making it memorable for me too. I didn't know if I'd ever get this chance again and I was not going to rush through the one shot I got to top my boyfriend.

It amused me that he had seemed jealous I had gotten myself off the night before- but it was all part of my plan. I couldn't make myself last and fuck him properly if I was too eager and desperate to get off. So yeah- I had let out some sexual frustrations beforehand. I figured if I rode a toy thinking of him, then I wouldn't melt at his touch and beg him to fuck me instead. What I hadn't told him was that once to let off steam had turned to twice and again this morning before the gym. I was making myself neurotic trying to plan ahead, trying to foresee any possible hiccups in the evening.

I had been shocked that he had been waiting for me, desperate to initiate my attentions. So much so I hadn't even managed a shower. It was sexy seeing him so eager. And the way he responded to the toys I had bought him was doing things to me- making me think- creating future scenarios that were making my heart race just thinking about it.

I kissed along the inside of his leg that was draped over my shoulder. I very much like his legs in the air, my hand griping his muscled thigh. His legs kept trying to fall to the sides- "So fucking eager." I thought- still not quite ready to sink into him and have this interlude end. I kept my hips pressed lightly against his ass; his legs held against my chest as I watched him. I wanted to look in in the eyes when I made love to him. "So fucking eager." I breathed- not intentionally. He tensed and my eyes sought his- they were heavy lidded, and his pupils were huge. He panted and made a little whiney moan at my words as though he thought it too and was embarrassed. I ran my hands over his thighs gently, nuzzling my cheek against his skin- reveling in the goosebumps that sprang up on his skin as I teased him.

"I-I can't...." he groaned miserably and I looked at him, knowing my eyes were full of want- loving the way his eyes widened when I looked at him.

"You can." I whispered. "You will." I assured him and his perfectly shaped lips hung open, his head craned back a bit. This angle highlighted how cute his face could be- his pearly white bunny teeth lightly catching his bottom lip in nervous anticipation.

I reached down- running my fingers over his hole again- sliding two in with relative ease. He groaned and my cock twitched- aching with need of its own. I breathed slowly- utilizing every calming technique I could- willing myself to last. I fingered him lightly and his head lolled from side to side as he mumbled incoherently. I watched- trying to memorize this moment. I tried to sear it into my brain so I could relive it again and again. He was so overwrought I couldn't make sense of what he was trying to say.

"Baby? What do you want?" I asked- thinking he was saying no, but I couldn't be sure. I stopped my fingers as I waited for him to speak. He scrunched his eyes closed and was completely lost in the moment. But was it good lost or bad lost? I wondered. I needed to anchor him. "Baby. Look at me." I ordered and his eyes opened, and he slowly met my eyes. "What do you want?" I asked again, quietly- soothingly.

"More." He whimpered, and I lost it. I removed my fingers from his tight ass and my heart pounded as I gripped his hips and angled them upward. My cock was nestled between his cheeks, and I rolled my hips once, twice, causing my dick to rub along his slick crack- the last step before I sank into him.

"Like that?" I asked and he nodded as he let out shaky little sighs.

"More." He whined again "Please."  Minho begging was rare and as much I loved his desperation- I was just as miserably desperate and I couldn't wait any longer. I gripped my cock, guiding the head of it to press lightly against his entrance. He was pulsing instinctually, and I was throbbing-almost painful with the need to cum. I let his legs fall to either side of me and his eyes never left mine as I slowly entered him. Oh God he was tight- and warm- almost feverishly hot around my cock and I had never felt anything as good as this. His eyes were huge- scared but full of wonder. I had barely started but had to pause and will myself not to cum yet.

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