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Jisung POV

I woke, heavy with heady exhaustion and a minor buzzing feeling from the few drinks I'd had the night before. Minho was still snoozing, and I looked at him, smiling. His mouth was slightly open, showing off his cute front teeth and he was sprawled on his back each limb going a different direction, the sheet barely covering him from thighs to pecs. I took a moment and enjoyed the view, since I never seemed to wake before him. He really was like a renaissance sculpture, and it took every ounce of self-control I possessed not to reach out and run my hands over every inch of his perfect body. I bit my lip and slowly removed myself from the bed, desperate to let him sleep. I showered quickly, resisting singing in the shower. I couldn't remember the last time I had been so happy for this long of a stretch. I grabbed my headphones and slipped on shorts.

As I rummaged through my dresser, I heard low, soft moans through the wall and blushed slightly. I was definitely not trying to listen in on the distinct sounds of sex coming from Binnie's room. I also was not going to think too much about who was making those sounds, as they were not Felix- his were unmistakable.

I crept out the door quiet as a mouse and tiptoed to the kitchen, thinking coffee and breakfast would be a nice surprise for everyone. The apartment was eerily quiet. Highly unusual with my mix of roommates. The living room was a bit of a mess- empty bottles and cups on every surface. I tidied up, grabbing as many things as I could on my way to the sink. I put on my headphones and figured I'd clean up while the coffee brewed.

I quickly got lost in the music, humming, and mouthing the lyrics as I cleaned, the smell of coffee getting stronger. Once I finished cleaning, I busied myself starting breakfast, gathering all the ingredients to make pancakes. I tossed an apron on over my bare chest because being burnt wasn't really in my plans for the day.

It was one of Chan's goofy aprons he kept getting as gag gifts and I honestly didn't even look it at before tying it around my waist. A few minutes passed and I was in the middle of flipping pancakes, transferring the finished ones to the oven to keep them warm until the whole batch was complete. I was singing and dancing around, making a complete fool out of myself and as I wailed a Freddie Mercurian high note, I felt hands on my hips, and warm breath on my skin as a kiss was placed between my shoulder blades. I choked on the note, a shiver speeding down my spine as I squeaked embarrassingly.

A huff of laughter was muffled against my back, and Minho's chin came to rest on my right shoulder, peering over me to see what I was cooking. His fingers played with the edges of the apron; his chest pressed against my back. "Good morning baby." He whispered, pulling my headphones away from my ear to do so, his lips peppering tiny kisses along my neck and shoulder.

"Morning, Jagi. Sorry I woke you." I said, removing my headphones fully.

"I smelled coffee first, then I heard you singing." He chuckled.

"Oh God- how long were you watching me?" I asked.

"Long enough." He offered nonchalantly, pressing his hard dick against my ass. "Anyone ever tell you you're hot as fuck?" I smiled, closing my eyes, enjoying the compliment.

"Oh yeah, all the time." I teased and he ground himself against me harder. "Minho, stahp." I whined, even though what I really wanted was to let the food burn and have him bend me over and fuck me senseless right there on the counter. My eyes snapped open "Whoa. WHOA." I thought "Did I really just imagine that? "My posture stiffened, and I went still in Minho's arms.

"What happened? You okay Baby?" Minho asked, his hands falling to his sides. "Did I-?" he started.

"N-No." I'm fine." I choked out, flipping the pancakes sizzling away. "I just had a thought, and kinda surprised myself." I admitted.

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