Use Your Tongue

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Jeongin POV

After arriving at the hotel, everyone hurried off to their rooms to do their coupley things. I stayed behind with Chan, in his room. I had hopes- high hopes of snuggling and watching a movie and well, maybe some other things too. I loved spending time with Chan and what we had done so far was great... but I felt like he was taking things a little too slow. I felt like he was still protecting me, and I has plans to move things to the next level- to show him I wasn't as innocent as he thought. But when he got out his computer and equipment, I realized he was busy, and my hotel date plans were squashed. I tried to quietly sneak away- figuring he wanted to be alone to work. I was halfway out the door when I felt his arm snake around my waist, pulling me back in.

"Innie." He said, his lips brushing my hair. "Where are you going?" he questioned, his other arm catching my waist too, hugging me tightly from behind.

"You're working- I was going to go to my room and leave you alone." I explained, my hand letting go of the door, letting it swing close.

"Naur. I want you to stay with me." He mumbled against the nape of my neck, leaving kisses there. My breath caught and I shivered, making him chuckle.

"I need to shower, though- you'll be busy. I don't want to bother you." I said making half assed excuses. I really did want to be with him, but I wasn't going to just sit quietly and watch him work.

"Shower here. I'll be done in a bit, and we can order some food. You could never bother me, ever, Kit." He admitted, his tone playful and teasing.

I knew he was speaking a half truth too, that once he got working, he'd go until he was exhausted. His stamina was absolutely insane. My mind wandered to other areas where that could be beneficial and I blushed, looking down and clearing my throat. "Okay- but I need my bag." I realized. I would need to leave his room anyway- even if just for a minute.

"What do mean? Your suitcase is in the closet and your shaving kit is in the bath already." He smiled against my skin and shock washed over me "You didn't think I was going to let you be all alone the first time we stayed in a hotel as a couple, did you?"

"No, I guess not" I admitted shyly.

"Good. Then you go wash up and I'll work a bit then we can eat, yeah?" he reiterated, kissing my neck again and smacking me on the ass, leaving me both shocked and a little turned on.

I turned, my mouth hanging open as I watched him saunter back to the desk and his set up. He was always so damned sure of himself and so... in charge. It was sexy as hell but if I was being honest- kind of annoying too. Maybe I wanted to be in charge, at least once in a while. I shook my head and went to shower, doing so quickly. I had plans for the day and I was wasting no time. I pulled on a fluffy robe, not bothering with getting dressed- especially if we were just going to lounging around. I hummed to myself as I did my face routine and walked out of the bathroom, Chan sitting in a manspread on the bed getting his sneakers on.

I cocked my head to the side and watched him. "Where are you going?" I asked, trying not to overreact.

"Oh, yeah- Bin texted and asked if I wanted to meet him for a workout. I told him yeah. I won't be long though- you can order something, and I'll just eat later..." He explained.

Anger, disappointment, clawed at the back of my mind lightly. "I will not lose it." I thought. "But I thought- "I started, gulping down the huge lump in my throat.

He looked at me and assessed my expression. His face changed and he hung his head, typing on his phone quickly. "I told Bin I'll be a bit. Let's go grab a coffee, you can walk me to the gym, eh?" he smiled- clearly thinking he had fixed the moment. So sure I'd just tag along like always.

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