So Fucking Dangerous

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Jeongin's POV  

I was warm. So warm. I burrowed my face into the pillow, refusing to believe it was morning already. I yanked at the blanket, trying to hide underneath them and pretend it was still dark outside. The blankets wouldn't budge, and that annoyed me. I drew in a deep breath through my nose, preparing to go to battle with that damned blanket.

My senses were met with a familiar, warm scent. Hints of lemon and vanilla, mixed with something woodsy and manly. I moved my head, squeezing my eyes shut tighter in confusion. I was met with the aroma again, stronger this time. I made a disgruntled sound, not sure why my pillow was so immovable today.

"You're so cute in the morning." A deep, sweetly accented voice noted curiously.

Chan. My eyes shot open, and I realized quickly my pillow was his chest and the aroma was his cologne. "Uh--- I, Umm. N-"I stuttered in complete awe of where I was. I looked around quickly and determined I was in Chan's room. Chan's bed. "Oh.... N-no." I muttered, shaking my head, and pushing away from him.

"Innie. Relax." He consoled, reaching out to pull me back into his arms. His hands closed around me, reassuring, sweet. Always so sweet.

I let him draw me back to him- after all, this was Channie- he was safe. He was home. We had bunked together before- but never quite like this. But I guessed everything was different. Memories of the night before flooded my brain. Drinks, games, laughter. Chan's lips on mine. His hands on my waist, my lips on his. His teeth grazing my jaw. My cheeks reddened as I remembered. I couldn't meet his eyes, and looked down, finding his bare chest. My eyes went wide as I assessed the situation. A barely audible "Oh." Slipped through my lips.

"Hey, you alright?" he asked, his face twisted with worry.

I nodded even as I figured out if I was telling the truth.

"We kissed." He paused. "You got sleepy- I brought you here since the couch is uncomfortable and the others were trying to out moan each other." He rolled his eyes. "My room is farther away and has sound proofing since I work a lot at night." He half shrugged and I nodded.

I knew nothing more had happened but was still not sure exactly why he was all kinds of shirtless. He noticed my concern and smiled.

"You know I don't wear anything to sleep. But I kept on my bottoms last night. It was just too warm in here for a shirt." He explained and I nodded slowly, realizing my hand was firmly and unmovingly placed on his incredible stomach.

"Oh. Sorry." I whispered, pulling my hand back in embarrassment.

"It's okay. You've been tickling me all night." He giggled. "It's cute." He breathed and looked at me with his personal brand of bedroom eyes- full of mischief and silent flirting.

He was infuriating. I couldn't figure him out. Did he like me too, or was he just being polite? Making sure I had my first kiss- always the baby to be cared for. I wondered and doubt crept in my vein, poisoning the memories of our first kiss. I hated unanswered questions and decided this one would be no different.

"Why did you kiss me?" I asked, sitting up and pulling my knees to my chest in a protective posture.

"What?" He asked- shock on his face.

"You did it so I wasn't left out anymore, didn't you?" I accused and hated the tone of innocence the words held.

"Innie- "he started, sitting up and facing me full on.

"Don't Innie me." I spat and hurt shredded his face. "I know you did it because you had to." I mumbled, resting my chin on my forearms, looking away from him, embarrassed. God my head hurt, my heart raced, and fear screamed in a loud rush in my ears.

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