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Jisung's POV

Minho's voice woke me. He was on the phone and pacing frantically. I smiled as I watched him- gloriously naked, striding back and forth through the small hotel room- intent on his conversation. He was trying to be quiet, and the thoughtfulness of his gesture made me smile wider. I stretched slowly- like a cat, reveling in the heavy feeling in my limbs- the feeling delicious aftereffects of soul melding sex. I rolled on my side and propped myself up on my elbow, watching his thighs and ass as he wandered- deciding I wanted them wrapped around my head later.

He turned and I was still smiling up at him cutely, trying very hard to entice him to kiss me. My expression changed immediately when I saw his face. It was a mix of fear and worry and an emotion I couldn't quite place. "Baby? Are you okay?" I asked- my eyebrows knitting together. "Are you okay?" I searched my brain for answers and added hurriedly "Minnie?" My blood ran cold as I remembered my friend.

"No, no- Minnie is fine." He shook his head, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I need you to shower- quick. Hyun is on the way with clothes- we have a meeting at 2. There's been a development." He said in a serious tone, and I was sitting up fully, trying to understand.

"What do you mean?" I asked my mind diving into half a dozen scenarios it could be. "Woojin's men?" I swallowed thickly "Are we in danger?" I asked- panic rising in my voice.

"Not in the way you think, baby." He answered, coming over and ruffling my hair. "Someone saw us- which somehow surprised me. We just have to clear some things up with the boss, but everything will be okay." The way he said it- I knew it wasn't the whole story, but since the panic was already clawing its way tup my throat- I didn't really want to know more at that point.

I nodded and went to shower, grateful Hyunjin was on his way with something for me to wear. I showered mechanically, only stretching a bit to relieve the tension between my shoulder blades. As I rolled my neck side to side, I felt hands on my shoulder, rubbing gently. "Hand me the soap- I'll scrub your back." Minho said quietly. He had his pants back on but was still shirtless- the contrast of the black trousers and his toned stomach making me want to touch him. He smiled, watching my eyes rake over him. "Later, baby." I need you to stay calm- this is going to be hard to handle for your anxiety. I want you to hear it from me first." He said, running the soapy washcloth over my back- focusing on the spots you can never quite get yourself.

I nodded and waited.

"We were seen. There are pictures- maybe video. The meeting is to figure out next moves. The media wants to move forward." He paused, letting the words sink in- holding his breath until he knew how I would react.

My brain started racing immediately-trying to figure out who had done this, what it meant, did I care? What exactly was the treat- and how did that affect everyone? "I understand." I said nodding. My brows furrowing. I turned to Minho, taking his soapy fingers in my hand and as earnestly as I could, I told him. "You. Whatever the options are- I'm choosing you." He swallowed and I watched as his eyes glistened. "You need to know. It's you- it always has been. "I shook my head "So whatever they come at us with- you know my play."

"I somehow knew you would say that." He said, smiling sadly. I heard the knock on the door and knew Hyun had arrived. Minho rinsed his hands in the shower stream and left to answer the door, leaving me to watch his bare back retreat.

"What if he doesn't choose me back?" I thought, the ever-present fear cloying at my senses. I shook my head- refusing to think it. And rinsed, turning off the water and stepping out of the shower, wrapping a towel around my waist.

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