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Jisung POV

What a fucking insane day.

Just this afternoon I had Minho whimpering under my touch- the most pliant bottom I could have asked for. His cuteness had completely blindsided me, but wow had it been amazing. Then everything went to shit. Our first argument- a fight in a Bondage club where Minho claimed Seungmin, who took a bullet for him then Woojin was killed by his own bodyguard.

Seungmin. Thank God he was okay. He was on my mind- not just his health- but I remembered the way his mouth felt on mine his fingers- the taste of his skin still lingering on my tongue from when he made me suck them. My cheeks heated- remembering. I cleared my throat- shaking the images away. Confused why I was still thinking about that.

Minho drove us home, his hand gripping mine tightly the whole car ride. His lip was swollen from the scuffle and I reached over, running my thumb over the wound, causing him to hiss in discomfort.

"I love you, baby." I said quietly- reverently. He had been so sexy protecting me, protecting Seungmin.

He looked over at me, and smiled "I love you too, Jagi." He responded.

We pulled into the driveway- Chan's car in the garage. We looked down the block and Bin's was outside Minho's apartment- they had obviously taken Felix's room for the night.

Minho turned to me. "Want to get a hotel?" he asked. "I'm sure everyone is having their own thing tonight and I really just want to be alone with you." The way he said it told me what I had feared- he was insanely jealous of the way Seungmin had touched me and he needed reassurance that I was his.

"Sounds perfect." I said, leaning over and kissing him hard.

"Mmm." He responded, his hand finding my face and he deepened the kiss- making me breathless. My nipples hardened and with a twinge, I was reminded of the nipple clamps I still wore, whining lightly.

My hands went to remove them, and Minho stopped me. "Don't you fucking dare." His fingers tugging the chain once- making my breath catch, causing the metal to jingle softly against my bare skin and the corset I wore around my waist. "The only one taking that delicious outfit off of you tonight is me." He promised and my stomach fluttered.

There. He had just reminded me I was his- that nobody else could have me.

"Then find us a hotel fast." I sighed. "I need your hands on me- I need this night to come back to us." I nearly cried- hot tears springing forth. The absolute shock of the night starting to settle in.

He backed out the driveway and took off so fast I was surprised he didn't hit something. We were speeding, one of his hands never leaving my body- caressing and teasing until I was arching against his fingers and whining with need.

He palmed me through the fabric of the little shorts under my skirt- the sight of his hand under the pleats of my skirt in the car making me insatiable with need. He drove with one hand- handling the car with ease, until I started my sounds. His eyes met mine and he pulled over abruptly- parking the car in a dark area off the highway, his mouth descending onto mine in an instant.

"Oh, Sung- promise me you'll never do anything to scare me like that again." His mouth has hot against my ear, his words scared and small.

I panted as his lips closed over my throat. "I promise. I promise, baby."

His hands were rough, yanking me over the console into his lap. I was wedged between him and the steering wheel- trapped on his lap. His erection pressed against me and my hands were at his belt- unbuckling it haphazardly to get him free. His hands wove in my hair, yanking my head back as he bit along my neck- the pain stinging and bringing different tears to my eyes. I made a strangled sound, and he was groaning.

"Yes. that's my sound." I growled at me "Never make it for anyone else again."

I was nodding, mouth open wide in awe as he manhandled me- his fingers tugging on the nipple clamps- freeing the sensitive nubs after hours of torture. "Ahh." I whined and his mouth closed over the sensitive spot. "Oh, Minho, fuck- yes." I sighed, my hands working to unbutton his shirt.

His mouth was on my neck, my chin, my jaw- he was everywhere, and I was suffocating- unable to exist beyond his touch. My hands found his flesh- running over the rippled abs of his stomach, diving into his pants to stroke his hard length.

He groaned as I stroked him, pulling me against him- the fabric of my bottoms suddenly annoying and very in the way. "I want." I whined and he understood. We weren't going to make it to the hotel.

His hands went under my skirt- pulling the tiny silk shorts to one side, exposing my ass to his waiting cock- pressing himself against my entrance. My hole pulsed- wanting- knowing it would be rough and needing it to be. I went to untie the corset I wore, and he stopped my hands.

"This stays on." He said and his hands were on the binding, circling my waist- making appreciative sounds low in his throat. "So pretty." He complimented and held his palm out below my chin.


I gave him a strange look and he raised his eyebrows. "I don't want to hurt you- car sex or not, we need something to make you slick." He explained and repeated. "So spit, Sungie."

He commanded low and I nodded, doing as he asked- spitting into his waiting hand. It shouldn't have been as hot as it was, but the act made me clench- needy- trying to swallow him into me. He used it as improvised lube and then he was fucking me-pulling me onto him- making me forget everything, everyone but him.

"God, Minho, oh fuck." I whined. Our movements were jerky- needy possessive. "Mine, baby- you're mine." I husked and he answered with a groan.

"Mine. Your mine only." He retorted and our mouths clashed together- a crude promise- and unbreakable vow.

"Yes." I gasped, I was coming- spilling hot and sticky in my shorts. It should have embarrassed me- but it didn't. My body needed the release- need Minho's touch like fire against my skin. His thrust became choppy, and he was biting my neck as he came- filling me with his release.

We were both gasping for air- laughing at our mutual possessiveness. We pressed our foreheads together, still joined- a sweating, sticky mess in the cramped space and I opened my eyes, realizing we had just fucked like teenagers in a car. My eyes went wide as I remembered this was not my car- or Minho's.

"Did we just fuck in Seungmin's car?" I asked, laughing guiltily. Of course, we had. The knowledge made us lose all control and dissolve into real laughter- a strange response to the events of the night.

He kissed my jaw. "He'll never know" he smiled "I'll pay to get it detailed." He smirked and helped me back into my seat. His eyes were full of love as he looked at me.

He straightened his clothes and guided us back to the road- our steamy interlude on the side of the road making us shoot each other knowing glances.

He found the hotel and checked us in- my attire not exactly for public viewing. He slung a sweater he found in the backseat over my shoulders for the walk to our room and I clung to him like he was my everything. And he was.

We showered, our hands gentle, our kisses sweet. The night had made us realize many things.

Some were unpleasant- conversations for a later time. But the main one was simple: we were non-negotiable. 

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