Make Me Forget

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*Double update today because I couldn't leave off after the last chapter.*

Jisung POV

The flight was long, through the night. Any residual thoughts of the unsavory events with Seungmin replaced with a peppering of sweet, healing kisses from Minho. All night in the dark cabin, he teased me- whispering how much he loved me while his thumbs circled my hard nipples. Laying kisses along my jaw as his hands worked under the blanket- removing the memory of wrongs done to me. I closed my eyes to the world- too embarrassed of the fact that we were in an airplane, surrounded by our friends, and just let Minho make me forget everything but the feel of his hands and his name on my lips.

"Minho." I whispered into his ear somewhere near two in the morning. His mouth was gentle against my neck, his thumb and forefinger rolling my achingly hard nipple- causing me to bite back a whimper. His other hand was stroking my aching cock- so slow. I shouldn't have been on the brink of orgasm, but hours of slow foreplay were converging at once, building up to a type of orgasm I hadn't felt before. My fingers gripped his hair as My eyes stared up at the ceiling of the plane, memorizing the buttons and tiny lights as he stroked me, closer... closer...

"Shh. Baby." He whispered back. "It's okay-just be quiet and nobody will know." He breathed against my skin- so quiet I barely heard him. He knew I couldn't be quiet. I knew I couldn't be quiet, but this time I had to be unless I wanted to wake up the entire cabin. I nodded, concentrating on breathing slow, and completely.

My body tensed, feeling my orgasm from somewhere deep in my body- a place I never knew existed. I clenched my jaw and pressed my lips together tightly, determined to stay silent. Minho's head rose, his eyes watching mine. He liked to see my expression change when I came and his gaze sent me over the edge, hot streams of cum releasing on Minho's hand, running down his knuckles. I let out a shaky sigh, proud of myself that I had managed to keep calm.

He smiled at me. And kissed me lightly. "You did so good for me Baby." He praised quietly and I blushed. I lifted the blanket enough for him to remove his hands and grimaced at the sight of his hand coated in my release.

"Sorry." I mouthed, wondering how the hell he was going to manage getting to the bathroom with that mess on him. He smiled at me wickedly and shook his head when I swiveled my head toward the bathroom. His tongue licked at his hand, looking me in the eyes as he did. Watching him clean my mess of his hands with such absolute determination and want made my insides clench with need of my own and fuck I wanted him. In my mouth. Right that fucking second. I laid my head against the seat and groaned quietly "fuck." He finished licking my cum off himself and licked his lips, adding to the effect. I pushed him against the far side of seat, against the window and leaned into him, not thinking rationally. "Please." I begged him, my mouth closing on his.

"Please what?" He whispered back, even as he wrapped his arms around me. My fingers crawled down his stomach, finding his hard dick strained against his pants. I rubbed him through the fabric and his breath caught. "No, Baby." He breathed against my mouth. "I can wait."

"What if I can't?" I breathed back, my tongue hooking to lip along his top lip- making him shiver.

"Baby." He groaned. I smiled against his mouth, knowing I wasn't listening- and not at all caring. My hand gripped him through his pants and pumped him, feeling his pulse even through the layers. My tongue caught his and his hands gripped my hoodie, pulling me tighter against him. My hand worked him, as I climbed into his lap, straddling him. I knew I was acting foolish- dangerously, but I needed to be in control in that moment to prove that I still could be.

I wrapped the blanket round us, covering as much as I could. Minho's hands went to my ass, and he pulled me against him, grinding his hard length against me. I rolled my hips, writhing against his crotch, riding him dry. His hands spread my ass cheeks, causing my asshole to clench in need and making me pull back from our kiss and draw in a shaky breath. "Minho." I sighed as quietly as I could, my head resting on his shoulder as he kissed my Adam's apple, my arm around his neck with my fingers woven into his hair.

I ground against him- desperate to feel him find his pleasure. I slowly moved up and down, bouncing on his lap as subtly as I could, His breathing getting rapid against my neck. "Baby.." He whispered and I knew he was close. I rode him, rubbing against his length over and over again, my movement becoming a bit choppy, my hand working to feel him from the fabric.

"Cum for me, Minho, please." I murmured in his ear, and I felt his grip tighten, and his body tense beneath me. I felt him pulse over and over, cumming hard on my hand and his lower stomach. His teeth caught my neck and lost in the moment, I whimpered, quietly but not quiet enough. My eyes shot open in alarm, and from over Minho's seat, eyes looked back- shock and concern met my gaze even as I rode every last ounce of orgasm from Minho's cock.

I averted my eyes at the same time Chan looked away and I was cursing myself. "Shitdamnfuckinghell!" my brain screamed at me "He never fucking sleeps, stupid" I tried to remove myself from Minho's lap, but he held me to him, kissing my neck and jaw. His hands moved to my waist, and I kissed him as he scolded me.

"You are such a brat." He whispered against my mouth. "Now what am I going to do with this mess?" he asked- challenging me. I licked my lips and smiled, moving back to my seat so I could lean over and clean up the mess I had made. I was under the blanket, and I nipped at his abs as I licked him clean- giving him the same treatment he had given me. I ran my flattened tongue over his slit and He jumped in surprised, banging his knee on the wall next to him. I quickly lifted myself from the blankets and sat next to him, smiling up at him cutely.

His eyes were wide, and his head was swiveling, seeing if anyone noticed. Nobody seemed to, but my phone pinged with a new message.

Text from Chan

Chan: Do I need to separate you two?

Me: Why would you ask that? 😉

Chan: SMH I don't even want to know.

Me: Jealous.

Chan: only a little

I smiled and put my phone away, laying my head on Minho's shoulder. He rested his head on the top of mine, petting me sweetly. He snuggled under the blanket and drifted off to sleep for a few hours until the pilot announced our arrival.

We arrived at the airport and took a moment to freshen up in the bathroom before dealing with the crowds and cameras. This was our typical routine, for all of us- so we didn't look too rough. We stuck together through the crowds, Minho holding my hand as stealthily as he could. The drive to the hotel was blessedly fast and we shared a car with Chan Jeongin and Chan who kept giving me sideways glances. I smiled knowingly and Minho looked at me, wondering what the hell I was on about.

We arrived at the hotel and were given our room keys. We all converged in Chan's room while the managers gave us a general rundown of the day.

"For now- get some rest, shower, whatnot. We'll come and get you when It's time for hair and makeup" he explained. Everyone went their separate ways, Minho and I making our way to his room. Mine was next door, luckily, but I would be in his most of the time. He slid his key card and opened the door, pulling me in behind him.

As soon as the door closed, he pushed me against it, kneeling before me. His mouth was on my torso, leaving hot kisses along the band of my cargo pants. His hands were on my ass and my fingers played with his hair.

"How long did they say we have?" he panted. "I want to feel you on my tongue, Baby."

He words sent a shiver up my neck and I gulped managing to croak "About six hours?" I questioned- not exactly sure. He grumbled, tearing at the zipper of my pants, freeing my already hard cock. "What?" I asked, "Isn't that enough time?"

His eyes looked up at me ashe licked the head of my cock. "Eternity wouldn't be enough." He said as hetook me in his mouth, his eyes watching as I fell in love him again.

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