For Me, It's You

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Minho POV

I stood, leaning against the bedroom doorway, a happy smile on my lips. Jisung was curled into a tiny ball, like a kitten, making tiny sounds in his sleep. In that moment I wanted nothing more than to crawl under the warm blankets with him and curl his perfect little body into mine, but I knew I needed to clean up our mess and shower first. I pulled the door mostly closed and made my way to the kitchen, intending to make short work out of fixing our mess. I expected it to take a good amount of time. What I didn't expect was to find Seungmin sitting at the table, a furious glare aimed at me.

My smile faded as I asked in an angry whisper. "Where the fuck did you come from?"

"Nice to see you too, Min." He countered, putting a forkful of cheesecake to his lips. Jisung's cheesecake- the one I had been feeding him while I fucked him senseless not twenty minutes before.

"That's not for you." I declared, appalled that he had seated himself exactly where I had just positioned myself.

"No?" he feigned ignorance "But you two didn't eat much- even with the mess you made." He wiped his mouth on a napkin and put his arm across the back of the chair, sitting in a manspread trying to display his dominance.

"Fuck off, Seungmin." I don't need this- I'm tired-." I began, grabbing a dish rag and the trash can to start cleaning up around him.

"Food always was your foreplay- I should have known you were into kinkier forms of food play. I gotta say the stuffing his mouth full of your fingers while stuffing his cute little ass full of your cock was quite the sight." He admitted, taking a berry, and eating it- reminiscent of the exact act he had watched.

"I will fucking kill you." I growled, losing it. I lunged for him, grabbing the collar of his shirt, and leaning over him.

"Ooh so protective of your little slut?" He hissed through gritted teeth.

"Don't you fucking talk about him like that." I couldn't handle hearing such filth coming from his mouth, when Jisung was the most pure, sweet, innocent human I had ever known. I was losing my cool and I knew it. Worse, he knew it. Seungmin loved it when I lost it. One time, after the bet... One goddamn time I had lost control and fucked him until he had been clawing at me, screaming for me. It had been full of hatred and anger, and I cursed myself daily for the fact that I done it and worse, I had liked it.

"Losing control, Minho?" He challenged- that edge of delight in his voice.

"Not how you hope." I swallowed, fighting to calm my nerves. "You need to go. You need to understand that there will never be anything between us. Never again, Seungmin." I let out a shaky breath. "Whatever you hoped would happen by coming here tonight- it's not going to happen. Jisung is mine, and that will not be changing. Stop watching us. "

"We'll see." He shrugged. "You'll grow bored of sweet and cute." He proclaimed. "I never had you picked as so romantic- so vanilla." He shuddered, a tone of disgust in his voice which was so very close to my ear. He exhaled and his hot breath hit my skin, slithering up my neck like a venomous snake.

My mouth twitched and I grimaced, bile rising in my throat. "No." I ground out. "Whatever there was with us- is over. Finished. I will never get over the regret of it, but maybe, just maybe- I can forget." I said, closing my eyes and stepping away from him, realizing that being near him would not help anyone. "Jisung is too good- he wants you to be happy. But he doesn't understand that the only thing that will ever make you happy is destroying the happiness of others."

"You're wrong." He said quietly. His eyes, morphing into big, round discs- the reason for his nickname. "The only thing that can make me happy is you. I know it. I'm the only one who can take what you are desperate to give. You know it too- Jisung might be a shiny new little toy, but you'll get tired of his whining and pathetic little texts eventually. "He stood and leaned in to speak directly into my ear again. "And when you do, I'll be waiting. Ready to give you what you crave."

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