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Chan's POV 

I watched from the door of Jeongin's apartment as the car continued down the road and dropped of Jisung. He walked to the door, his head hung, and shoulders slumped, caught again in his own mind. He was getting soaked, and God I wanted to run to him with an umbrella, My overprotective side bubbling up. I sighed, wishing I could take the burden off his shoulders. I knew that Minho was helping him- Jisung really had been improving since they started seeing each other. I watched him go in and close the door before I retreated, worry clinging to my mind.

Changbin's voice carried from the kitchen, loud guffaws of laughter mingling with the sounds of Hyunjin and Felix flirting and giggling along with him. I was so happy. Everyone had somebody. Almost everyone. Seungmin was another problem for another day though. I slipped my sneakers off and shrugged out of my jacket, smiling as I turned to go find my person. My Innie.

"Hey there." Came his voice from the shadows of the hallway and I felt a shiver of excitement up my spine as he came forward, grabbed my hand and leaned down slightly to kiss me lightly. I closed my eyes as his pillowy lips met mine. God, I liked it when he was forward. His hands were suddenly at the hem of my shirt, light finger touches tracing over my stomach. "Shit." I thought, the ticklish sensation causing goosebumps to form on my arms.

His mouth became hard against mine, he was losing his control- the effect my abs always seemed to have on him. He was backing me against the door, His mouth eager against mine, His teeth scraped along my bottom lip, His way of asking for access. I parted my lips, allowing his tongue to tangle with my own. My hands snaked up his chest, and I wove my fingers into his hair, causing him to let out a low moan. Our mouths feasted off each other and I was highly aware we needed to move our make out session elsewhere before the other came back through to go upstairs. Jeongin pressed himself against me, working him knee between my legs- taking me by surprise. "Whoa." I thought- "What's gotten into him?" I wondered as he carefully rubbed his thigh against my groin, making my brain go fuzzy and causing me to break the kiss and look at him with a surprised expression while I fought my pulse back to normal. "Damn." I thought.

You alright, Kit?" I asked, licking my lips and tasting him again.

He looked annoyed, pressing his eyes closed and making his irritated smirk- which showed his dimples perfectly. "I missed you." He explained, his voice low and airy.

"I can tell." I responded, grabbing the collar of his shirt, and kissing him once, hard, and quick. "Let's move this out of the foyer, though, eh?" I offered, still playfully trapped by him against the door.

His smirk morphed into one of anticipation and he backed up enough for me to move. I laced my fingers with his and let him lead me toward his room, which was downstairs next to Seungmin's. His door was open and the light of the T.V. was bright against the otherwise darkness in the apartment. Innie led me to his room, which I had been in before of course- but not since we had been seeing each other. His bed was against the same wall as the door, big and inviting looking- the blankets rumpled obvious that Jeongin had be in bed before I arrived. The T.V was on and paused- a familiar Marvel movie frozen mid action. His nightstand held a cup of half drank tea, his phone and a journal, his spot marked with a pen.

"Sorry it's such a mess." He offered apologetically."

"How long past your bedtime have you been waiting?" I asked- know he was usually very strict with his bedtime.

He blushed and looked away. "Not long." He lied unconvincingly.

"Kit." I warned, looking at him with raised eyebrows and a disappointed lopsided grin.

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