Dreams Come True

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Jisung POV

I was laying on the bed, shivering desperately. I was physically chilled by coming from a hot shower to the air-conditioned bedroom, but more so anticipation was making my teeth chatter. My hands reached out to cup Minho's face when he loomed over me, bending to kiss me.

'Baby, you're shaking." He whispered. "Shh- it's okay. Just feel me with you." He cooed, kissing me on the forehead, each cheek and then my mouth. My teeth stopped chattering, focused on the kiss, but my hands still shook, my body covered in goosebumps.

His hands ran over me, trying to warm me- to calm me. His touches didn't cure the goosebumps, but the shaking did lessen. "I'm so nervous, Minho." I admitted, looking away- not able to meet his eyes.

"We don't have to do this, Ji." He reminded me, pushing away from me. His arms held him aloft above me, and his eyes searched me- looking for signs of hesitation. He started to push away, to end the moment.

My hands shot out, griping his waist. "No- Minho. I'm sure. I want this- I'm just a little nervous." He gave me a look like he was considering my words. "weren't you nervous your first time?" I asked.

He shrugged, thinking. "Yeah- I suppose I was. But it was different I guess." He weighed his words carefully.

"Why? Because I'm me, and you're you? Or because I'm a bottom and you're a top?" Explain how it's so different." I spoke quietly, really wanting to understand his reasoning.

"No- none of that." He shook his head. "It's because I love you, Ji- I realize now I never really loved anyone else." He looked away, suddenly nervous. "It's important to me that this is special." He said shyly.

"I smiled, melting. "It's special because it's with you." I countered.

"But you deserve romance- candlelight, rose petals, all of it." He explained, punctuating each romantic object with a kiss to my neck and chest. "Definitely not in a crowded apartment with 3 of our groupmates downstairs bitching about who's turn it is on Mario Kart." He chuckled.

"This is perfect." I laughed. "This room is full of my firsts already- let's add another." I challenged.

He looked for cracks in my confidence, searched my eyes for jest. He found my pupils dilated and full of the image of himself. If it had been an Anime, heart would have ringed the image, showing how I truly saw him.

"Okay." He nodded and stood, rummaging in his side table drawer. "I will go slow. If anything hurts- you have to tell me." He looked at me seriously. "Immediately." He reiterated. "Today is about you. I'll do my best to make it feel good- the first time can be, uh uncomfortable to say the least." He looked nervous.

"Min- I know. I may be a virgin, but I'm not stupid." I laughed. "I know how it works, and all the unsexy parts of it too." I smirked at him." But I trust you, I will communicate. I promise." I said, rolling onto my side, my head resting on my arm.

"Good." He said, nodding. He picked up a remote and turned on music. It was loud and I started to ask him to turn it down. "No- you're loud when I have your dick in my mouth- I know you're going to sound like a banshee- so it stays loud." He decided, his bluntness making me blush. He had a point- I was not quiet when I came.

He laid next to me, facing me, putting his supplies on the bed nearby. His hand held my chin, and he kissed me, pressing his body flush with mine. My arm snaked around his waist, my fingers gripping him where his hip met his ass, pulling him closer, my hips angling to meet him. We focused on making out for a few minutes, Minho apparently taking this very slow.

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