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Jisung POV

 The hallway to the head office was longer than I remembered. Or perhaps it was my fear of what was waiting on the other side of the frosted glass door ahead that made my legs sluggish and heavy. Minho's hand was closed protectively over mine, even though my palm was clammy with nervousness.

The door opened ahead, one of our managers holding it open for us, a strange look on his face. Minho went through first, and I followed, his grip never loosening on my hand. The big desk sat empty, a shock to us both. We had fully expected him to be seated there, looming in the office filled with images of himself that preened his ego.

My eyebrows knitted together, and I looked at Minho who returned the confused gaze, until my eyes settled on the seating area to the right of the room. Three chairs held members of the board; the small leather couch left empty- presumably for us to sit.

"Please, join us, gentlemen." Our boss said in his fake happy to see you voice.

"Good evening, sir." we said in unison and with matched lack of enthusiasm, then made our way over, greeting the group politely. We sat together on the couch, our hands no longer joined, trying to decide how we were supposed to behave in this situation. The room added two of our managers, our specific personal managers to be exact. They stood and watched us heavily, waiting to see what this was about.

"Mr. Park. "Minho began- maybe trying to smooth whatever this was over.

"Please, call me Jay- you know that by now, guys." He chuckled trying to be a buddy.

"Of course, Jay." Minho spoke, his voice full of distaste. His feelings toward our boss were as venomous as Changbin's, and for good reason. "What, did you need so urgently this evening? You know we are training hard right now, and I hate to leave the other members waiting for too long."

"But of course. You see- there has been some new information that has come to our attention pertaining to the two of you." He said, his voice faltering "And your, uh, relationship." He grimaced as he said the words.

"Oh? And exactly what is it you believe our relationship to be?" Minho continued, taking lead on this matter- since I simply could not.

"I have it on good authority you have entered into a romantic relationship." He smirked- an attempt to be friendly, but it came across as suspicious.

"What would lead you to that assumption?" Minho questioned- trying to gather as much intel as he could- knowing, like I did- that we were caught, and it was not good.

"Don't play stupid with me, Minho!" he nearly shouted, his expression changing from one of fake friendship to pure anger. "You two have been seen holding hands- the staff mentioned you disappeared to the bathroom together the other day during the shoot- you've been staying at each other's apartments."

Minho opened his mouth to defend us, but my anger rose in my chest and words bubbled up before I could stop them. "We all stay at each other's places regularly- since you made the decision to separate us, we have to do so to get work finished sometimes. Have you reprimanded the others as well? Is it against rules to use the bathroom at the same time? I mean usually it's all of us at once, but I mean I went with Felix last week- where's he being treated like this? And we have held hands before- we've been put in many situations where the staff makes us look like couples and gets laughs from it." I paused, swallowing "So why is this a problem? Is it that you aren't finding a way to profit from it? Rumors will come and go- but there is no reason to call us in and treat us like naughty children." I fumed.

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