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Morning came with the smell of fresh, delicious coffee and I stretched languidly. I briefly thought I'd grab a cup before heading to the studio to meet Chan and Binnie. I smiled slightly and then bolted upright- why was my alarm not blaring at me?! I was disoriented slightly, realizing I was not in my own room. My bare chest brought back all the event of the previous day and I bit my lip remembering Minho's hands and mouth on me. I shifted, searching for the devil himself and found the bed empty. I frowned, then the door opened, and he appeared, dressed in sweats and holding two cups of coffee.

"Good morning, Sungie." He cooed and I melted again.

"Good morning I murmured back, grabbing the offered mug. It smelled like pure heaven, and I took a sip letting the hot, sweet but bitter liquid seep in into every cell. "Mmmm." I moaned involuntarily.

"Eh- don't start moaning, or I make you very late." Minho teasingly warned. "You have to meet the boys soon." He reminded.

"What time is it, anyway?" I asked, my phone nowhere to be seen.

"A little after 7. You have time for coffee." He promised, climbing into the bed next to me, kissing me quickly on the shoulder. His finger darted out and traced a spot on my neck that was tender to the touch. The mark he'd given me. He smiled at his work. "I can give you a matching one for the other side before you go, if you want."

"Ohhh." I blurted my whole-body screaming "YES!" and my mind screaming "NO!" I gulped and took another sip of coffee, trying to ignore his offer. "If you start doing that, I'll never make it on time." I offered, trying desperately to be level headed.

"Okay. Later." He shrugged that wicked smile flashing at me again. He drank his coffee for a moment and then looked at me sideways. "Baby?" he asked quietly.

"Hmm?" I responded still in aww of how quickly I recognized my new nickname.

"Do you think, uh..." He faltered, looking away.

He was fucking adorable when he was shy, I couldn't stand it. "What?" I asked.

"Could you, maybe..., uh- markme? "He blurted the last part, trying to get it out quickly.

I was surprised. He seemed so dominant, so in charge. It never occurred to me he'd want to be marked as mine. "Yes. yes of course, baby." I reassured him. "I didn't think you'd want me too, since well you know, you're so you." I chuckled slightly and he blushed prettily. I set my coffee down on the bedside table and took his from his hands, setting it aside. He let his hands fall to his sides, a gesture of him yielding to me. I pushed him back against the mattress and swung my leg over him, straddling him. I held both his hands with one of mine and trapped his arms over his head. It was sinfully erotic, him fully dressed and at my mercy while I was completely naked. His eyes widened and his mouth formed a cute little "O"

I pulled his hoodie aside, reveling his neck and collarbone. I kissed him once on the lips and then slowly traced kisses down his jaw to the crook of his neck. I kissed him there, lightly at first, then I tested out a quick nip. His breath caught and his hands gripped my ass- permission to go harder. I bit him harder, sucking on him, giving him what would be an amazing hickey. He whimpered as my teeth dug into his skin and shiiiit if submissive Minho wasn't in danger of becoming my favorite. I licked the spot where I had marked him, trying to sooth it some. He was panting and the pulse in his neck was beating like a caged rabbit. I kissed him there, in time with his heartbeat, switching between kisses and blowing on his neck.

"Mmm, Baby.. stahp." He whined and I pulled back immediately.

"Did I hurt you?" I asked, worried- checking him over. There was definite bite mark and red spot on his neck which would turn to a masterful hickey, but I didn't see injury.

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