Club Subjugation

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Seungmin POV

My hands were shaking, my phone pinging again. The chain bracelets on my wrist clanked lightly as I checked my messages- even though I knew exactly who it was.

Wooj: When the fuck will you be here?

Wooj: You know I don't like waiting, bitch.

I took a deep breath- the spiked leather collar around my neck digging in slightly as I struggled to calm down. I was waiting for everyone to finish getting ready. Woojin only knew about Jisung coming. The others were central to my plan and I had to make sure everyone was there- added security so nothing happened to Jisung. I don't think I could have lived with myself if he actually got hurt.

It killed me inside that I had been the one to hurt to him and he had forgiven me- seeing that I had needed his help. "What kind of person does that?" I thought, grateful for his support with all this shit. He could have just as easily told me to fuck off and let Woojin do with me as he pleased.

Me: Soon- he's getting ready...

I thought for a moment and typed...

Me: He wanted to look pretty for you.

Lies, of course- but it would make the asshole feel like he was getting what he wanted. I closed me eyes and leaned back against the couch, the leather like material of my pants catching on the fabric, annoying me. I rolled my shoulders- my dark red compression shirt soft against my skin. I nervously fixed my outfit, adjusting the matching red halter I wore. I went over my chest like a bib of sorts- two thick leather straps like a tank top and it buckled around the back- a pattern of spikes on it that scraped your skin if you brushed against them. It had been a gift from Woojin and I knew wearing it would keep him thinking I was on his side. He very much enjoyed the pain and imprint it made on his skin when he crushed his body against mine. Those memories would serve my plan well tonight, so I smiled deviously as I waited. My boots were by far the most comfortable part of my outfit.

The front door creaked open lightly and I looked in that direction- relieved Chan and Jeonjin had finally arrived.

I was not, however, prepared for them to be fully dressed in fetish gear already and giggling like idiots as their hands sought each other out incessantly.

"Oh, Hey Seungmin- sorry we're late." Chan apologized but the sincerity of it was tarnished by his goofy ass laugh. He was dressed in the tightest leather pants I had ever seen- slung low on his hips- making it obvious he wasn't wearing anything underneath. His abs were on full display, the mesh crop top he had on barely gaining modesty from the leather harness he wore- which only highlighted his pecs. It was studded, and matched the leather bicep cuffs he wore on each arm. If he didn't have that goofy ass grin on his face- I would have thought he wore fetish gear every day- like it was second skin.

"What the hell took so long?" I asked- irritated. And Chan looked at Jeongin accusingly.

"Someone was having a bit too much fun trying things on and couldn't decide what to wear." His hand ran over Jeongin, and as he eye fucked him, my own eyes followed- taking in the shirt he wore- if you could call it that. It was a mess of straps and buckles- showing hints of skin when he moved. I followed Chan's hand movement as it went to his ass, and I couldn't say I blamed him. My eyes widened at the almost black green of his satin booty shorts. His boots were knee high and continued the strap theme. In his hand he held a mask- masquerade style with narrow foxlike eye slits and tiny whiskers. His collar was simple, with a silver ring on it. Chan holding the matching leash loosely in his hand completed their couple look.

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