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Jisung POV

"Answer it." Minho whispered; the whole room suddenly silent.

Seungmin stared at the phone and watched as it rang until it went to voicemail and his eyes closed in relief as he released a huff of breath he had been holding.

I handed him his phone back, and watched terror fill his eyes as a voice message notification flashed across the screen. "I can't." he said, his voice strangled. "He'll be mad. He's video call next." He explained- so sure that he was in trouble.

"What do we do if he video calls?" Jeongin asked- worried since we were all together.

"What would you do normally?" Changbin asked Seungmin "Obviously he's called you when we are around before- where do you go to talk?"

"I find an empty room- or the bathroom." He said low. "Video calls are bad. They mean..." he struggled thinking how to form the words. "Bad things. I must prove myself- or he punishes me." He mumbled.

"Fucking prick." Chan gritted out.

"Okay- so you're supposed to attack me again, right? Like that's what he wants- yeah?" I asked, a plan forming in my brain.

"Yeah- but I would never- "Seungmin hurriedly promised.

"Ji- I don't know what plan you're making in that pretty head- but I hate it." Minho said.

"Then let's do this." I said- ignoring the words of protest.

"No!" Felix shouted.

"Fuck that- you're insane!" Changbin chorused.

"WHAT!?" Hyunjin spurted.

"Abso-fucking-lutely not." Minho growled angrily. Yanking me toward him, crushing me against his chest.

"I don't mean he's going to actually do anything- but if we could make Woojin think Seungmin had been successful, he might leave him alone long enough for us to make a real plan- "

"I don't like it, Jisung." Chan said quietly- still processing the fact that he hadn't know about Seungmin and Woojin. The protector in him was furious, the big brother in him was heartbroken.

"I agree with Chan." Minho chimed in adamantly. "You will not put yourself in any position to be hurt. You may have forgiven him- but I'm still fucking pissed he touched what's mine."

Seungmin nodded, agreeing. "I agree with them- Ji. I can't stop thinking about what I did. It makes me want to die- I don't think I could do that again- even just pretend." His eyes darted around the room. "Nobody hates this more than me- trust me." He murmured.

I pursed my lip, and my jaw jutted out as I pouted- not getting my way. Minho looked over me and sighed. He stood, pulling me with him.

"Well he's not going to let up- so we have to do something." I remind him. "Maybe not a staged attack- but what if just a couple faked pictures that make it look like you're uh, busy with uh, me?" I struggled to say the words, my anxiety hating the idea- but my need to fix things pushing for this plan regardless.

"Fuck." Minho said under his breath. "Just do it Seungmin- I know how this goes. Once he's set on a plan- nothing stops him from doing it. And the pouting" comes next then the whining- and not the fun kind." He hung his head, looking away from me.

"True." Chan and Changbin said in unison. Then the processed the last part and grimaced saying "eww."

"Hey!" I protested, even though I knew they were all right.

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