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My hand grasped at the sheets, in delicious agony as Minho's mouth traced kisses along my neck and shoulders. His body pressed against me, evidence of his mutual enjoyment grinding against my ass. My mouth was hanging open, unable to form words, but emitting ragged sighs. His hand was on my hip, pulling me closer to his hardness, and he bit me between the shoulder blades, causing a whimpery moan to escape my throat.

"You like that, baby?" he growled in my ear and every nerve on my body was on fire.

"y-yes."I whispered as his hand moved around my hip to my front His hand closed around me and I felt like I might explode right then.

"Yes what?" a voice rang clearly pulling me abruptly out on the most erotic dream I'd had in months.

My eyes opened in alarm and found Chan standing in my doorway. I quickly assessed myself and found myself covered neck to feet by my blanket, thankfully. I cleared my throat and threw a pillow at Chan "What do you want?" I groaned highly annoyed.

"Good dream, eh?" He teased dodging the pillow easily. He laughed and turned away "Breakfast is ready, come eat. Oh, and would you wake the lovebirds? He asked. Assigning the job to me to be obnoxious.

I let out a loud breath and laid there for a moment, willing my heartrate to slow the fuck down. "Dammit." I swore to the universe. My skin still felt hot, and my mind was buzzing with the dream. A cold shower was a certainty after that dream.

I gave up on going back to sleep- since finishing the dream would be too much for my mental stability anyway and begrudgingly got up. I exited my room and knocked twice on Changbin's door. I opened it and announced, 'Breakfast time, lovers." The couple was entwined in a tangle of sheets, covering their lower halves- thankfully since they were both shirtless. Felix's hair was a mess splayed on Binnie's broad chest. Binnie was awake and made a "shh" gesture at me, and I knew he was simply enjoying the moment. He ruffled Felix's hair. I smiled at them- they were cute as hell.

"We'll be out in a minute." Binnie whispered, careful not to wake Felix quite yet. He smiled a lazy, sex drunk smile and I closed the door just as Binnie started to push Felix onto his back. "Definitely going to be a minute." I thought as sleepy giggles then sexy sighs came from the room.

I retreated quickly to the kitchen and found Hyunjin at the table eating, a sullen look on his face.

"Hey Hyunnie, how'd you sleep?" I asked grabbing a plate to fill.

"Ugh. I couldn't sleep for shit- not knowing they were screwing all night." He grumbled.

"Ah- well stay out here for a bit- I think round two is going down." I said without thinking. I realized and hazarded a look at him. I was met with his signature side glare and cringed. "Sorry- thought you'd want a heads up is all." I sat next to him, Chan opposite of us, his laptop open next to him.

"Didn't you like Felix last month, though?" Chan asked- never one to mince words. I about choked on my tea, suddenly remembering that as well.

Hyunjin looked as though he was about to murder Chan and I understood his sentiment after his abrupt wake up this morning.

"That's not the point." He said defensively "Yes but that's not what my problem... "he tried

"So, you like both of them then?" I asked- clarity hitting me. "And you don't want to break them up."

Hyunjin flushed deeply at my accusation.

"You want BOTH of them!" I hissed, stage whispering with pure undiluted excitement.

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