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Minho POV

Two hours later and we were in the large glass rainfall shower, Jisung on his knees before me, his hair soaking wet and slicked back from his beautiful face as he lapped at my length, teasing me. He had yet to fully suck me- and he was enjoying torturing me- paying me back for the lengthy teasing I gave him on the plane. My hands balled themselves into fists- desperate to grip his hair and fuck his throat. I would not. I could not, I reminded myself. A raspy voice and abused throat were not acceptable we had obligation that required perfection tonight, after all. His voice must remain perfect as usual, so I allowed him to tease me, the small kisses he placed on the underside of my cock surprisingly erotic.

"Oh my God, Baby." I whined and he smiled up at me, flattening his tongue against the head of my dick as he pumped me. "Did I just fucking whine?" I thought to myself in disbelief. What the hell was he doing to me? "You look so good on your knees, with your pretty lips on my cock." I praised and he swirled his mouth over the head of said cock, catching the bead of precum in his mouth.

He popped off with a small wet sound and looked at me with his "slut" eyes- something dark, sultry, and needy in them. "I know I do." He teased and ran his hand up my leg and thigh. He gripped my ass, smacking it once before he hooked my leg on his shoulder.

"This is new." I murmured- not at all mad about this new side of him.

"Mmm." He responded, sinking his mouth down my length, once, twice. He was delicate, not forcing himself to take me fully.

My hands cupped his face, his smooth, honeyed skin feeling like silk under my fingers. I curled my fingers under his chin, giving him scritches- one of the ways I showed him affection that was innocent enough to do in public. He made a contented sound as he rolled his tongue around me, slowly- so agonizingly slow. His eyes rolled back in his head and his lids closed as he huffed out a shaky breath around the mouthful of cock he was taking so prettily.

He pulled away and he looked at me, panting. I knew that look. God, I loved that look. He had some new, dirty little fantasy he wanted to try, and I had been blessed enough to witness the moment it had washed over him. I knew, looking into his huge boba eyes that whatever it was, the answer was yes.

"What is it?" I asked, my voice thready. "You can tell me."

"I want to try something." He said, looking away and biting his bottom lip, giving himself away. I knew him well enough that the next words out of his mouth would be a half-truth- but I wasn't going to force him to confess anything.

"Of course, Baby." I encouraged and took his jaw in my hand, tipping it back to look at him fully. "Remember we agreed no more sex and no deep throat before the show." He smiled shyly, nodding. "But yes. always yes."

He smiled and licked along my length, pumping me again. My head fell back against the shower wall, his hot tongue felt amazing against my throbbing dick. I moaned low and desperately as he sucked me again and made a noise of complaint when he stopped for a moment. His mouth was kissing the sensitive crease between my thigh and balls, and his mouth licked along the seam of my balls, which immediately tightened, close to release. He pumped my length as he took each sensitive orb in his mouth, moaning around the flesh that filled his mouth. My heart was in my throat, trying to escape.

"Holy shit- he gets off on this as much as I do." I thought in awe, as he released them, panting heavily. I was lost- floating somewhere above our physical bodies- in the ether between need and want and the universe of Jisung's hot, wet mouth..

His mouth feasted on me again, leaving long hot trails of saliva in the creases of my groin. Then, quickly, and tentatively I felt his warm, wet tongue circle the delicate, sensitive rim of my asshole, my eyes flying open in shock as every nerve was set on fire. I let out a high strangled whine that surprised even me, but "oh, fucking wow." I thought. My legs turned to Jello and I was very happy he had the foresight to hook one of my legs over his shoulder. Then he did it again, slower, more intentionally. I gulped, trying to swallow down my heart which still seemed to be lodged there- sounds getting trapped in my throat as I deciphered if I liked this or not. Before I could get further into my head about it, his tongue pushed against my entrance and holyfuckingshit, I was into it.

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