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Hyunjin POV

Two days had gone by since arriving back home. The man from the hotel had been arrested and charged with stalking and assault. Turns out he had several previous charges and we had been informed it would be a long time before anyone heard from him again.

There was a tension in the air- things with Woojin were still unresolved and Jisung and Seungmin were often together, plotting the next move. I could tell by Minho's expression and the set of his shoulders that he was not exactly pleased with the amount of time they were together- but since he was usually with them, he also didn't really complain. Exes were like that though- sloppy.

It all made me so much happier I didn't need to worry about exes within the group. I had my men and everyone else had theirs. It was the happiest overall we'd been in a very long time. It made my soul content.

I was in my room, listening to music and working on a sketch. I was debating if I would turn my sketch into a painting- and the thought made me blush. The image on the paper was looking up the line of Felix's body, from a kneeling position- Bin's hand gripped his neck and his mouth was at his throat- but his eyes were on me- and there was something so raw and feral in his gaze. I loved it when he looked at me like that- even if I couldn't put it into words around him yet. His muscles bunched as he thrusted, Felix's mouth gaping wide in bliss as his eyes fluttered closed. The image had been haunting me since that night-before all the madness had started, and my hand moved in quick, sure strokes as I let the moment flow onto the paper. My mind replayed the night, my mouth remembering the feel of Felix's smooth cock against my tongue, the sounds he made deep in his throat as he came- caught between us.

As I drew, I mindlessly started to sing along to the song I was listening to, feeling the vibes "Let it burn just a little, It's better when it's hurts just a little baby, I don't want just anyone to hold (Just anyone to hold) ,I want you and your beautiful soul If you only knew That I'm willing to, Give it all that I have to give
My flesh and bones. It's a burning sensation...."

I started moving, my shoulders rolling to the music- a sudden need to move hitting me. My creative was all over the place, but I was used to that, I stood, dancing a bit as I drew- My hips swaying as I worked- oblivious to everything around me.

I turned- making up a little impromptu choreo to the song and was met with the amused and hungry gaze of my very own muscled baby girl, leaning against the door- his ample arms crossed over his chest as he looked at me. He was dressed, as usual, in all black- adding to the aura of dark, sexy energy that he was exuding. I was startled and my eyes went wide as I hurriedly took off my headphones.

"Hey, Bin." I squawked, embarrassed.

"The dance is sexy. What are you listening to?" he asked, intrigued.

"Just a song that popped up on my Spotify a while back. It's called Man on Fire by Jahkoy, I think." I answered- and I was suddenly hyper aware that we were in my bedroom, just the two of us. And God I wanted his hands on me.

"I knocked, but I can see you were feeling the muse." He chuckled. It's really good." He offered- gesturing to the canvas, and I blushed brightly.

"It's just a concept- I'll probably scrap it." I mumbled.

"The fuck you'll scrap it." He challenged lightly.

"I mean- it'll never see the light of day." I explained halfheartedly.

He grinned and chuckled. "It doesn't need to. It's a private moment- captured from your eyes, remembering a moment that is special for you, my Prince." He started forward, a playful grin on his lips and my heart pounded- the place deep in the pit of my stomach went wobbly with anticipation.

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