Look At Me

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Jisung POV

"Holy shit!" I shrieked, trying to keep Minho from hitting his head on the hall table as he slumped over. "Hey- can someone give me a hand?" I shouted down the stairs. I wasn't a weakling- shit I lived with the two most gym bros in the world- I had to keep up to a point, but God Minho was heavy. My legs were shaking- trying desperately to keep my grip.

Bin was first up the stairs and his eyes widened at the scene before him. He scooped Minho up under his arms with ease and scooped him into a cradle carry. Felix opened his bedroom door and Bin laid him on the bed while I tried to get him to come to. "Baby!" I simpered- my anxiety flaring to life as my mind simultaneously freaked out and sifted through what I could do to fix this. I patted his hand, trying again "Minho...." I pleaded. I looked up at Changbin as I knelt bedside Felix's bed, trying and failing to wake up my boyfriend.

Bin grimaced and sighed. He turned his attention to Minho and shouted "Min! Wake the fuck up!" as he smacked him across the face.

I was so shocked I blinked rapidly and rocked back on my heels. I opened my mouth to yell and Bin but stopped when I noticed Minho, groaning as his eyes opened slowly. "Fucking ow." He complained.

"Baby." I sighed, relieved. "Are you okay? What happened?" I spouted "Did you have a panic attack?" I asked and he met my eyes.

"Baby." He said quietly, even as I continued my questioning. His eyes pinched shut and he sighed. "Baby. Stop." He pulled me to him, and my face was suddenly crushed to his chest, my cheeks squished against his pecs as he held me in a tight hug. I relaxed against him, the lingering scent of his cologne filling my nostril as I hugged him back, releasing a breath that allowed me to mold myself against him.

"Should we leave now?" Changbin asked- equally teasing and sarcastic.

"Sthap, Binnie." Felix playfully scolded and I heard the distinct "thwack" Of Felix swatting Bin on the arm.

"You can go." Minho said dryly. "Thanks for knocking my teeth out, Bin." He sparred.

"Anytime." He jested back and the shuffling sounds of their feet retreating were comical from where I was still pressed against Minho's chest. The door closed with a soft click and Minho dropped a sweet kiss on my hair.

"Baby?" I mumbled.

"Hmm?" Minho replied lazily.

"You're smushing me." I said awkwardly, my lips mangled against the fabric of his shirt.

He started laughing, full loud belly laughs, and he rolled us so I was on my left side, his leg going over mine in a possessive way. "Sorry- I just needed to be alone with you." He explained, planting another kiss on my hair.

"Was fucking fainting part of your plan to get me alone? You could have just asked." I teased and smiled before asking seriously "Are you okay?" My fingers went to toy with th hair that hung in font of his eyes- a nervous habit to calm y nerves. "I've never seen you like that- it was like looking in a mirror."

"Yeah." He spoke quietly. "That was all...."

"A lot?" I offered and he nodded, swallowing the tears that were threatening.

"I'm so sorry you've ever had to deal with that, Baby. I mean yeah maybe I overreacted- fainting and everything." He joked- making light of it. "I mean drama in Hyunjin's job- mine's smacking ass." He deadpanned and he had me giggling.

'And dancing..." I added.

"Don't forget sarcasm."

"Ooh- Cat dad."

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