Stolen Moments

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For the next hour, Minho and I were separated. There was make up, hair and wardrobe to be done and I happened to be grouped with Chan, Changbin and Hyunjin- my roommates. It all made since of course, from a stylist's packing perspective. The day's itinerary was a couple simple interviews and a short segment that we'd play a few games and generally goof around. Promotion and marketing at it's finest. Chan kept sending me concerned glances at the touchiness of Binnie and Hyunjin- There were always cameras around and though Changbin refused to be ashamed of who he was, he knew better than to be too bold. That and the fact that he was usually lovey dovey with Felix and any behind the scenes could be construed badly.

I thought they were adorable, actually, and couldn't help but smile and laugh at them. Changbin was pretending to be desperate, Hyunjin was either faking being appalled, or his guard was up since they were still very new and he was nervous about it.

I was sitting in the communal waiting area, the first one done from my group, when Jeongin and Minho arrived. They both looked great in their outfits, but I was, as usual, stunned by how handsome Minho was. He was dressed in dark slacks and a blue sweater that looked so soft; my hands clinched with the want to feel it myself. His eyes were even more intense with liner and shadow, his cheekbones more chiseled with the artistry of contour.

I opened my mouth to compliment him, but he beat me to it. "You look beautiful, Jagiya." His eyes slowly roved over me, taking in the ripped jeans I wore and with a blue and white button up. I blushed at his compliment.

"You too, baby." I murmured then caught what I had said. "Shit" I thought, hyperaware of the cameras that were lurking. He smirked and stalked toward me, sitting so close next to me, there was no chance of our bodies not touching. He put his arm around me, pulling me to him, my back and shoulder against his chest. I let out a sigh. It felt so good to be in his arms.

Jeongin came over, carrying three drinks and a few varieties of snacks. "I figured you'd be hungry- since you didn't really get breakfast earlier, he explained, ripping open a bag of chips to munch. He smiled, showing his dimples and I smiled back, realizing in that moment how handsome our Maknae had become. He was dressed in a cream sweater, and his skin looked porcelain next to it. His make up accentuated his already foxlike features and I realized too late I was staring.

Minho poked me in the ribs when he noticed- jealous. I cleared my throat and looked away quickly, "Thanks, bro." I added, grateful for a snack.

Minho's hand rested on my shoulder, toying with my shirt collar, dipping his hand into my shirt to touch my skin once or twice. Every nerve was on fire- Minho's torment in the car suddenly the only thing I could focus on. I fidgeted, trying to wordlessly tell him to stop, but he only chuckled and texted me

Minho:You like that

Me-Yeah- that's the problem. We can't do anything for a few hours at least, and You touching me isn't helping.

Minho- I like teasing you.

Me- I know you do.

Minho- you area a tease Jisungie.

Me- I am? How?!

He didn't text back but pulled away from me far enough to level a look of "are you fucking kidding me?" at me.

I turned scarlet remembering that morning and simply said "oh yeah."

Our other brothers filed through over the next twenty minutes, everyone coiffed and clean and put together. Our managers went over the day, the expectations and what to expect. We were mic'd up and ushered into the studio. Minho chose us two spots in the back row, behind Seungmin.

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