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"Ouch, fuck.." Taehyung groans, taking steps back while his hand reaches up to feel if his nose is still okay after the second rough impact.

Sighing out in utter annoyance, he averts his gaze towards the individual he just bumped into, since he can feel his stare burn right through him. The gaze so intense, the brunette feels as if he's reading his soul.

The moment their eyes meet, Taehyung forgets everything bad that happened today just for a second. His heart makes a single jump and his throat runs dry. He feels tingly, in a way he can't understand.

All in all, the encounter makes him highly uncomfortable.


Is what the handsome male suddenly whispers out.

Taehyung frowns, figuring he must've zoned out to not hear the first part of what must've been a sentence.

He chuckles awkwardly, copying him.

"Sorry mate, I wasn't looking where I was going. My bad."

With that, the brunette takes slightly hurried steps past the stranger, completely fed up with how things were going today.

However it doesn't take long before he feels a big, calloused and veiny hand wrap gently around his wrist.

Furrowing his eyebrows, he turns his head back, unsurely glancing at the man's face again.

The guy doesn't look much older than him, perhaps a year or three. His black locks contrast his sculpted face, dark but shiny orbs standing out the most. His skin caramelised, and a few moles adoring it. Taehyung almost feels envious of his jawline, it looking so sharp he could cut something in half with it.

The smile that tugged at the male's lips just a moment ago in a way Taehyung couldn't quite decipher, was visibly wearing off, now being replaced with a more than confused glance. If the brunette didn't know any better, he'd call it a heartbroken expression.

"Do you need something else?" The brunette voices after a second, wanting nothing more but to get away. The person in front of him gives him very odd vibes.

He watches the guy's eyebrows violently crash together, eyes now appearing dull and his cherry lips tightly pressed into thin lines.

"Mate doesn't recognise us?" He croaks out, sounding devastated.

Now more confused and wierded out than ever before, Taehyung attempts to get his wrist out of the man's grip, but instead the total stranger only holds on tighter.

"What the hell dude? Let go of me!" The brunette yanks his arm back, not failing to see how the individual's own hand somewhat lingered after it.

Taehyung takes a step back, reckoning the guy in front of him must be under the influence of illegal substances. He glances at two white plastic bags in the other's right hand, thinking the drugs he is on are in there.

For a moment he is so stunned, he forgets to make a dash for his bike.

But seeing the male take a step closer to him, he flinches back into actuality.

"Omega doesn't want me?" The guy whispers out, coming across as if he's holding on to his last bits of hope.

Taehyung's brows meet each other quickly, feeling absolutely freaked out. As if on cue, his head starts throbbing tremendously. He suppresses the urge to hiss because of the intensity of it.

"What the fuck are you on about dude? Stay away from me you wierdo!" With that, he takes another three steps back before turning around fully, sprinting towards his bike and hopping on as if the devil was chasing him.

He speeds off towards his apartment, glad he chose to live off campus so he doesn't have to face anyone else for today.

Once upon arrival, he slams the door shut after himself and takes big strides towards the kitchen's sink. Turning on the faucet, he cups his hands together and bends down to splash all of it on his face, repeating the same action multiple times.

"I need an Advil.." He concludes, opening up the cabinet and popping one in his mouth, gulping it down with water. He can't remember the last time his head pained this bad.

Professor Badot totally fucked him over by marking his test with that ugly 'F', he was late to work─ he got fired almost the moment he arrived and his way of entrance wasn't precisely that glamorous and elegant. He bumped into something again, and that appeared to be an absolute lunatic who kept asking him very wierd and unsettling questions. In return, he has an appalling migraine.

Thirty minutes later, he was debating on taking another painkiller. Instead of his headache lessening, it only got worse.

Softly groaning, he places his hand on his forehead, noticing he is burning up. His heart thumps rather quickly, his skin feels prickly and he feels on edge.

Standing up from the couch, he strolls towards the bathroom─ only to collapse in half midway because his head starts spinning, dizziness overtaking him. Suddenly it feels as if a hundred needles are stabbing him all at once.

He becomes disorientated real fast, stumbling towards the bathroom in a rigged line.

His breathing speeds up, mouth turning dry. The material of his clothes and his brunette locks stick to his skin like glue.

The bathroom comes in view, but before he could take another step his vision turns blurry and unfocused.

It didn't take long after that until he toppled to the ground, his sight going entirely black.

However right before it did, one last thing came to his mind─ the unknown male he stumbled upon earlier.

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