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"Are you sure I look decent?" The brunette asks for the hundredth time, staring at his blonde friend.

"For fucks sake, Taehyung, you look good! Since when do you need reassurance?"

"Since he changed and became a totally new person overnight, remember?" Hoseok shouts from the back.

"Right.." Namjoon rubs his forehead.

"Really, you look good, Taehyung. Be a bit more confident, alright? You can totally nail this."

The brunette's lips curve up in a smile. "Alright! Thank you."

"He can be here any minute now.." Hoseok comments, peeking through the window.

"Stop, you're making me nervous!" Taehyung retorts, not wanting to look.

However, it didn't take long before there was a knock on the door.

"Taehyung! Your date is here!" Namjoon shouts embarrassingly loud.

The brunette rushes to open the door, a familiar face coming in view and wasps instantaneously awakening in his stomach.

"Hi." He greets with a timid, guilty smile.

"Hey there," The male across from responds, winking. "I got you these,"

A pretty bouquet of flowers made its appearance from behind the guy's back.

"I hope you like it." He finishes, grinning wider.

Taehyung nods, not wasting a second. "I do! It's really pretty, thank you, Yoongi." 

"I can't believe my eyes." Hoseok murmurs to the blonde next to him, as they're standing in the corner silently watching.

"Me neither. Taehyung and flowers? He used to hate those. Oh, look! Is he blushing? Or am I tweeking?"

Both of the men's mouths fall agape. Even though this situation is on them, they never expected it to turn out like this.

The three of them had found themselves drinking and playing some games yesterday evening, when one thing led to another and Taehyung lost a bet. It didn't take long before Namjoon came up with his so called brilliant idea to attempt to humiliate the brunette by getting him a date for the next day.

His date being no other than Min Yoongi, a guy who's been crushing on the brunette for a while now.

Hence why Taehyung feels guilty. His friends tried to prank him, but it just doesn't sit right with him on Yoongi's behalf. But it's not like he can blow it off now, since he's already here.

However, there's another part inside of him that feels on edge. Twisting and prickling uncomfortably inside of him, nipping at him as if─

"─shall go?"

"Huh?" Taehyung zones back into reality, realising he wasn't paying attention at all.

"I asked where we should go? Do you have anything in mind?" Yoongi repeats himself, the grin from the moment the door opened not leaving his face.

"O─oh, um, not really! I suppose we can go grab a bite somewhere, or do something fun. Anything, really."

The other male hums in response, thinking deeply as he ponders on it.

Taehyung takes the opportunity to eye him up and down. He has his hair dyed white, which would seem to add years of age on any other but on him it looks just right. It doesn't make him older at all.

His skintone is rather pale, but it suits him. He's a bit broad and built, but not too much. He seems great.

However, Taehyung has never even considered being into guys before.

Hence the humiliation part when Namjoon came up with the idea.

So now he's walking next to the other male, having not only a personality crisis, also a severe identity crisis and sexuality crisis.

It's safe to say that he feels on edge.

"We could grab a bite at a nearby cafe. Afterwards we could go bowling or something?"

The brunette blinks, trying to snap out of it. "Ah, sure! Let's do that, that sounds great."

With that, they start walking into the direction of Yoongi's car.

"So what do you like to do in your spare time? We're in the same major but I've never gotten the opportunity to get closer to you. There's always been a crowd of people around you, you are quite popular." The man asks.

The brunette nibbles on his lip, letting the idea of going on a date with a male settle within him.

For some reason, he isn't even mad. It feels entirely new and a bit strange, but in a rather good way. It surprises him.

But then again, a lot of things have surprised him lately─ too many. Things that shouldn't have, but did.

And now he's wondering how to answer the peppermint hair's question.

What does he like?

He isn't one hundred percent a different person, no. But his perception of things, the way his mind works and preferences seem to have adapted by a lot.

His clothing style, the way he carries himself and puts himself out there─ the way he acts, his opinion about certain things. He got highlights done because he suddenly found his hair too dark, and on the way back from the shop a kid sent their football flying, almost hitting him in the face if it wasn't for his sudden quick reflexes. And once the kid apologised, he found himself smiling in adoration.

He used to hate children. Thinking they were way too loud, ignorant, bratty, annoying overall─ something he would've never even considered having for himself. But now, he wouldn't even mind having one of his own.

"Well, after classes I usually needed to hop on my bike the quickest I could because of my job. That's what took most of my spare time away unfortunately. I got fired not too long ago, though."

"Oh no, you got fired? How did that happen?"

And that's all it took for them to get engrossed in a long conversation without awkwardness.

And suddenly, Taehyung's uncomfortable feelings dissipated into thin air.

This wasn't that bad.

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