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Taehyung doesn't even register the walk back home, or the stares he got from some people as he went past them, hiccuping, tears rolling down his cheeks.

He's oblivious to the glare Jeongguk shoots everyone's way the moment they dare to glance at him, everything goes past him and feels like a blur.

He doesn't even realise he left Yoongi by himself, and he sure as hell does not realise that he's stuck in a headspace.

All he knows is Jeongguk. Jeongguk, Jeongguk, Jeongguk─ his arm around his waist, the way he's pulling him closer to his chest, the way his scent clouds all of his senses.

He doesn't even realise the home he steps into isn't his own.

Jeongguk closes the door behind him, eyes immediately finding Jimin's wide ones.

The beta's mouth forms an 'O' shape, legs automatically walking towards them in order to be able to see better since Jeongguk's body stood in the way, blocking his view.

"Is that─" Jimin voices curiously, scanning the omega up and down. He sees Jeongguk nod in his peripheral vision.

He was about to fanboy over him and how cute he is, when the realisation fully sinks in that the boy obviously isn't okay. He's crying and shaking, eyes solely trained on Jeongguk's chest, clinging onto him.

"Oh no, what happened?" The beta worries, glancing at the alpha.

The man sighs, "He is entirely out of place. His wolf is making more and more of an appearance and he doesn't know what to do with himself. His own emotions and feelings and his wolf's are mixing together. He is oblivious to the fact that he has a wolf inside of him, and everything that comes with it. I'd be utterly confused if I were walking in his shoes, too."

The entire conversation goes right past the brunette.

Jimin nibbles on his bottom lip, "You have to tell him, Guk. Soon. Otherwise this will only get worse. He'll go crazy."

Jeongguk nods, "I will. I don't know when exactly yet, but I'll see what he remembers in the morning. I'll go on from there."

"I'll sleep in another room of one of our pack members tonight. I'll leave you two alone." The beta says, taking steps backwards towards the door with his lips pressed together in fine lines.

He nods at Jeongguk, opening the door.

"He's heavily disorientated. But don't worry, Guk, he'll be alright as long as he learns about himself." Jimin reassures, disappearing after.

The alpha attempts to get Taehyung to sit down on the couch so he could retrieve a glass of water for him, but the omega doesn't budge. He only clings to him tighter, breathing picking up.

"Shh, hey, Taehyung? Are you with me?" Jeongguk gently cups his face, wiping his locks out of his eyes.

But the male doesn't respond, only looking dazzled.

The alpha decides to hug him close, ignoring the sparks throughout his body and bends down to lean into his ear, knowing what will ground him and snap him out of it.

"Calm down, omega. Alpha's here."

Taehyung turns quiet.

He stops hyperventilating, he stops crying. A few sniffles leave his mouth, but he turns relaxed because of the alpha voice and the command, subconsciously automatically submitting to it.

His chaotic feelings diminish, head and mind turning clearer.

"Come on, it's late. Let's put you in bed." Jeongguk smiles softly, guiding the omega towards his cozy pit after offering him something more comfortable to sleep in.

It all goes without words. Taehyung is entirely silent, simply following the other's words without hesitation. He is too tired anyway from the earlier intense, utterly confusing experiences.

He shuffles underneath the blanket, making himself comfortable. The feeling within him basks noticing the alpha's scent is all around him, on nearly everything.

"Get some rest, Taehyung. I'll be here when you wake up, alright? I'll sleep on the couch."

The brunette shakes his head, "Please don't leave me. 'Feel safe with you." He mumbles tiredly, almost unable to keep his eyes open.

Jeongguk feels flushed with pride, joy and warmth and the words, feeling as if he's fulfilling his alpha duty well. He smiles, his wolf prancing around inside of him.

"Alright," He says, lifting up the blanket and slipping into bed as well, leaving a respectable distance in between them.

"Good night, Taehyung." He whispers, watching as the male's eyes entirely droop close.

He's left staring at him, minutes passing by. Ever so often he raises his hand to brush his locks out of his face, or pulls the blanket farther up to cover him and make sure he won't get cold.

At some point he yawns, making himself comfortable. He turns on his back, head tilted towards Taehyung's direction.

About to try to fall asleep himself, he's left with tingles erupting everywhere when the adorable brunette shuffles closer to him in his sleep, his head finding its way onto his chest and the rest of his body flushed against his own, wrapping around him.

A grin dances on the ravenette's lips, his heart beating quicker.

This is what he has waited for his entire life. For werewolves this is the most important thing─ finding their literal other half.

However the longer Jeongguk looks at him, the more he reckons that even if he wasn't what he is, and he would've stumbled upon him in town that day─ he would've fallen in love at first sight anyway.

Blossoming with happiness and the instinct to protect, he gently wraps his arm around his waist and pulls him impossibly closer, stuffing his nose in his brown, highlighted locks and shielding his petite body with his own.

"Good night, Tae." He whispers again, pressing a long kiss on the top of his head before closing his own eyes.

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