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"How many are critically injured?" A question he didn't want to ask, but he knows he has to know the answer.

"Eight, sir. They're getting taken care of, however there have been eleven deaths."

The ravenette winces at the numbers, knowing the last one will up to a twelfth within a few days.

"Where is the alpha?! My mate is dead! We have to be vengeful!" A woman cries out, hysterically wailing.

People are running left and right, trying to comfort one another in the midst of the chaos and take care of the ones who need it most.

"How are you doing, Jeongguk?" A new voice pops up from behind him.

"Personally I'm glad I get to say I'm fine. Many others can't." The male answers his friend monotonously, glancing at his face and trying to keep himself composed.

He has to give everyone support, he has to give a good example. He has to be there fully, because if he lets himself drown in his worries there won't be any hope for the rest of the pack. He can't only give fifty percent, he needs to give a full hundred. Especially in times like these.

"Cut the crap, you're obviously lying. You aren't fine. There has been no sign of the alpha for a few hours now, and in these circumstances that's odd to say the least. He took a hit, didn't he?" Jimin's assumption causes the taller man to sign him to be quiet.

He urges him to walk some place more private and he sighs out, admitting it to someone he trusts dearly.

"You're right. He got shot with three poison infused arrows. I don't know how much longer he has, and I need to take care of all these people and I can't─ not yet. I'm not prepared at all, things are so hectic right now and─"

The shorter male shushes him, noticing how he starts to ramble. "I know, it isn't fair. The entire situation isn’t. But if there's one person who can handle it, it's you, Jeongguk. It's in your blood to lead. I─"

"We are running out of medicine and necessities!" A shout from someone walking out of a giant white tent causes both of the men to snap their heads into that direction.

"Fuck.." Jeongguk mutters, starting to jog over.

"What do you need? I'll head into town to get the supplies."

The guy's eyes widen, "Sir, with all due respect, you can't! Your pack's ground has been crawling with hunters and you need to pass through in order to get to town. It's too dangerous!"

"I'll be alright, Seokjin. Tell me what you need. You mustn't worry about me right now, worry about those who lay on the brink of death." He states, but deeply appreciates his concern.

In the end, the man gives a curt nod, signing him to follow along. Even though they're from different packs, he can't ignore the fact he is a higher rank than him, and way more important, too.

Jeongguk takes big strides after him, using his hand to lift the curtain away that gives enter to the white tent. Once he steps inside, his eyes fall upon bed after bed with terribly hurt people on them, others sitting next to them trying to reassure them the best they could.

The guy grabs a piece of paper and a pen, quickly searching through the cabinets and writing down whatever is missing.

After a minute or three he hands it over.

"Please be careful." He voices, causing Jeongguk to nod in return.

With that he jogs back out of the tent, running towards the border of the pack.

"Wait!" The sound of Jimin's voice nearing him causes him to stop in his tracks.

"Where are you going?! You can't go back there! We need you here!"

The ravenette shakes his head, "We're running out of time, I need to get the supplies. I don't want anyone else to die, I have no other option. As the upcoming alpha it's my duty to take care of matters like these."

The shorter male presses his lips together, knowing there is nothing he can say to differ. He knows the other is right, but he doesn't want him to endanger himself.

"Promise me one thing, Jimin," Jeongguk turns to look at him fully, glancing into his light brown eyes.

"Of course, anything you need." He reassures, intently listening on.

"Go inside the pack's house and sit down next to my father. If he tells you to take care of yourself, tell him I ordered you to look after him. Alright?"

Jimin nods quickly, "Of course. If that is what you want, I will, sir."

Jeongguk gives him a short, rather playful glare at the last word.

"I'm aware of my rank and the role I need to take on, but I've told you, keep it informal between us. After all these years, I don't want that to change."

Jimin's lips tug up in a small smile.

"Alright, Guk. Be careful."

The older male nods, turning around and taking three haste steps. By the fourth, his body starts transforming and once he takes a fifth step, four big paws plant themselves in the soil.

The boy left watching him continues to look at the wolf until he vanishes out of sight. After that, he turns into the opposite direction and heads inside, going to do as told.

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