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"Tell me about your territory. What does it look like?" Taehyung asks Jeongguk, mindlessly tracing circles on his bare chest as he lays comfortably in his arms.

It's the fourth day of his heat, meaning it's diminishing and almost coming to an end. He feels a thousand times better, all thanks to his precious and loving mate next to him who is helping him through it.

"Well," The ravenette starts to grin.

"It's ginormous. There is green everywhere you look, fully surrounded by nature itself and hidden from the normal human civilisation for the most part.
My pack lives together in utmost peace inside of this giant mansion I told you about. There is room for everyone. We also have these amazing cabins for those who like something more private," He chuckles fondly, eyes shining as he remembers it.

"If you exit town, jog six miles down the road and turn towards the left to enter the forest, you'll find yourself on the  border of our territory. The more you walk on, the more dense the woods become and the higher the chance to get lost, if you aren't familiar with the area. It's absolutely amazing, truly. I can't wait to show you." Jeongguk grins, pressing kisses on the brunette's head.

Taehyung giggles, hiding his face in his neck.

"I can't wait to see it. It must be so stunning." He comments, already picturing it.

"It is. It really is. And it's yours now, too. It'll be your home as much as it is mine." The ravenette says, causing the brunette's eyebrows to rise up.

"When you say that, do you mean you want me to move in with you there?" He asks, unsurely nibbling on his bottom lip.

Jeongguk hums immediately, nodding his head. The omega's heart sinks to his stomach, thoughts starting to race.

"Of course I do. We're mated for life. Staying away from each other is literally harmful for our health. It's been my home for years, everyone is dying to get back there. Obviously I won't be leaving you behind once that day comes." The ravenette laughs airily.

But the brunette doesn't respond, too busy worrying about not being able to see his friends often─ about totally giving up his own cozy apartment, worrying about what his future there would look like, including the need for a job.

A heavy frown is plastered on his face. He pushes himself up against the headboard, staring at the blanket and nervously picking on the skin around his nails.

Jeongguk notices the spike in his pheromones, suddenly reeking of anxiety. His silence already told him he is having his doubts, but he doesn't understand why the other is this unsettled about it.

His eyebrows crash together as he sits up as well, staring at the side of Taehyung's face.

"What's wrong, baby?" He mutters out, hand reaching towards his brown hair to brush his locks out of his eyes.

He frowns deeply when the omega slightly flinches, moving out of the way.

"Taehyung, what's up with you?" Jeongguk now seriously demands to know, not liking the way he is acting at all.

"It's just.. what about my friends? My apartment? My job? I have so many memories here, I don't know if I just want to give them up.. As much as I want to stay with you, I think that's happening a little fast. I don't know if I'm fully mentally prepared for such a huge step." He honestly admits, glancing at the male next to him.

The ravenette feels the wolf inside of him getting irritated.

"You can still see your friends, just not that often. You'll have responsibilities and the obligation to keep all of us, our world, a big secret. We'll just have to come up with an excuse as to why you're moving out and why they can't come over. You'll leave your apartment to live with me, to create new memories together. And you won't be needing a job, love. Our kind has been thriving for decades this way." Jeongguk exclaims, face going from stoic to a more of an angry expression when Taehyung shakes his head.

"I─I don't know. I just.. I'm sorry. So many things have and are suddenly changing. Even though most of them have been for the better, I just feel like it's all happening so quickly. Can you be patient with me? Please?"

The elder's tongue pokes his inner cheek, head tilted to the side.

"I understand it's all new and that it might be scary at first, but you have me. I need you there. I love you and I want you to live with me, I want us to live our happily ever after. I just don't get why you seem so hesitant." The man exclaims, more fierce.

Taehyung picks up on his intensifying scent, the wolf within him whimpering because it immediately notices his anger and displeasure.

"I am totally new to this. To this lifestyle, the wolf thing, literally everything. How can I face your pack? How am I supposed to take on a leading role just like that? It seems like very pressurising responsibilities I'm not quite ready for just yet. You grew up in that world, you've been taught everything from birth and you're used to it. I'm most definitely not.." Taehyung retorts, getting an anxiety shiver.

"You'll be able to take on your role just perfectly," The alpha snarls, "I'll be teaching you everything. Hell, even Jimin will. Eveyone will be fully understanding of your recent switch of lifestyle, you won't have to worry about that. You can trust me. You know that, so why aren't you confiding in me?"

The omega whimpers, cowering. He hugs his knees to his chest, the blanket covering his nudity.

"I─I'm sorry. It's not that I don't trust you, because I do. I trust you with my life. I'm just scared and insecure. My life has never had this much security, it was never this planned out." He mumbles, staring at the blanket again.

"So that's what you're disliking─ the way your life is planned out? The future that lies ahead of you?" The male snaps, hurt overtaking him.

Taehyung's eyes widen, he immediately averts his eyes back up towards him. "What? No! I like it, I do, but.."

"Get back to me when you're finally ready for it," Jeongguk spits at his face, standing up from the bed and collecting his clothes. He hastily slips them on, infuriated.

"If you happen to change your mind about us being mated too, I'm terribly sorry, but that is something that can't be undone." He bitterly exclaims, disappearing out of the hotel room.

The door slams close behind him, causing the omega on the bed to visibly flinch. A tear drop escapes his eye and he sniffles, his heart pulsating painfully in his chest.

"Alpha, please come back.." He whispers as he stares at the door, starting to tremble whilst more water starts to flow down his cheeks.

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