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"I've made up my mind. Taking everyone's willpower to fight and their suggestions in consideration, we'll be preparing to go to war. I can't oblige you to join us, but we could certainly use the numbers. I wish to end this once and for all, no more hiding." Jeongguk states with venom, determined.

"As you wish. Of course we'll stand by your side, we are allies for a reason. We want this to end as much as you do."

The other alpha exclaims through the phone, sounding drop dead serious.

"That's great, thank you. I'll let my pack know and order everyone to start training, to build up their strength. Once we're ready, we'll work on a strategic plan to lure the hunters together and surprise them with our attack. The more we get to kill of them, the better. We want to scare them off, get them to vanish entirely." The ravenette states, nodding to himself.

"Alright, that sounds like a good idea. I'll order everyone to do the same, let them know what's going on. I'll give you a call once I'm certain we're all ready."

Jeongguk agrees with that. They wish one another the best of luck, hanging up not long after.

He gathers all of the pack members in the hotel in the room nextdoors, not wanting to face his mate for a while.

Jimin knows something is up the first glance he takes at him. He's too tense, his expressions too fierce, too rough.

"I wanted to let you know that I've made up my mind," The alpha starts, his voice going through the shared mind link of his pack at the exact same time as he speaks to make sure everyone across towns would get the memo.

However he blocks out a singular, certain brunette.

"I've taken all of your willpower to fight into consideration. It took me a while to come to terms with it, but we'll be going to war. I'm commanding you to start training, build up your strength and work on your techniques of attack. Don't go for the obvious kill, they'll see it coming and you'll be a goner," He announces, causing Jimin's eyes to widen and the rest of the people present in the room to tense up, but nod in agreement.

"Be secretive with it. We don't want anyone to know what we're up to. Our element of surprise is our biggest strength, it'll be extremely beneficial for us. Our allies' pack's leader is doing the exact same thing as I speak. We'll have numbers, hopefully the hunters will be in the minority. The moment I'm sure we're ready, we'll make up a plan of attack. We'll end this once and for all," He says, words laced in venom.

"Are there any questions?" He voices, nodding at the silence.

"Very well. Start doing as told." He ends it with, cutting off the mind link and glancing at the people in front of him.

"We won't let you down, alpha." One of them speaks up, determined.

"We'll do our best! We'll win this." Another adds, causing everyone's adrenaline in the room to spike up.

"Let's go!" They start heading out of the door, heading somewhere remoted to start working on their skills.

Then it's just Jimin and Jeongguk left in the room, silently staring at one another.

"Spit it out," The beta suddenly voices, giving him a judgemental look. "I know there is something else bothering you. I've known you longer than twenty years."

Jeongguk sighs out, almost growling.

"It's Taehyung. As you already know, we've finally finished the mating process, but he started having his doubts and worries about the future that lies ahead of him and I snapped at him," His expression turns stoic, arms folded over each other.

"I tried to reassure him it would all be alright, but he kept making up new excuses as to why he needs more time. He kept saying that he didn't know whether he could do it, whether it's something for him. I got insecure because I thought he regretted mating, and left, smashing the door close," He continues to ramble, looking absolutely overworked and overstimulated as everything builds up within him.

"There is so much pressure on my shoulders right now. We're going to fucking war and I have the responsibility to make sure everyone will get out of it alive. There is so much going on, it's chaotic outside of and inside my head, it's all too much. And then suddenly Taehyung starts worrying and doubting too, and his support is the one I need most right now. I need him by my side to give me strength, but he doesn't even have the courage himself─ and that when it comes to an innocent, happy thing called 'our future.' If he finds out about what's ahead of us, he'll entirely back out of it." He groans, frowning.

Jimin silently listens, letting the words sink in. He presses his lips into thin lines at the information, one hundred percent getting why the male is so stressed out.

He walks towards him and puts his hand on his shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze.

"It sounds like Taehyung voiced out his spiraling thoughts, meaning he'll come to the conclusion soon enough that those worries weren't necessary. If you continue to give him strength and let him know that it'll all be alright whether verbally or physically, he'll pick up on it too," He starts.

"But the omega within him is tender, fragile and sensitive. It has picked up on your demeanour long ago, your stress. Of course it can't be at peace because of it. Your feelings are now directly shared with the wolf within your mate as well and vice versa. Don't forget that. If you have doubts, he'll have them too." He concludes, giving his shoulder another squeeze.

"Thank you, Jimin," The alpha grins a little, finding his words reassuring. It made the entire situation clearer.

"By the way, I want you to be at the hotel with Taehyung when the biggest fight of our lives breaks loose. I need at least you two to be safe." Jeongguk commands, causing the beta to nod.

"Alright, alpha. Whatever you say." Jimin smiles, grateful.

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