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For a second, there's a pin drop silence.

Yoongi walks towards the door, solely focused on Taehyung who seemed frozen to his spot.

The moment the unknown male's inquiry processed in Jeongguk's mind, his brows violently crash together and his wolf claws at his insides, ready to lunge itself at the stranger next to him.

A dreadful, heavy feeling blossomed inside the ravenette.

"You have a date?" He croaks out, voice ten times lower in octave as he emphasises the last word with burning jealousy.

His wolf managed to slip in an underlying, faint growl, causing Taehyung to feel something he has never felt before.

"Y─Yoongi and I were going to hang out, yes.." He whispers, having no idea why he is cowering before the male.

Suddenly he feels as if he needs to apologise. As if he needs to ask for forgiveness, to make sure of the fact that whatever is going to take place isn't a date. That there's nothing between Yoongi and him.

A foreign word lays on his tongue out of the blue, on the brink of being pronounced even though he has no idea what it indicates.


That echo inside of him goes.

Jeongguk supresses a snarl at the information, fighting the urge to step inside, close the door and let his wolf take over in order to show the brunette who he belongs to.

He realises the other still has too much freedom, too little knowledge over what he is and what they are, meaning that he could still attempt to get with someone else.

The wolf inside of him feels like it's going to explode and Jeongguk has to bite on his tongue. It's chanting inside of him that the omega before him is his, that no one should even contemplate on laying a finger on him.

"I mean, we could reschedule if this is really important?" Yoongi speaks up, warily eyeing the man next to him.

"Um.." Taehyung doesn't know what to answer. He doesn't even dare to. All he knows is that Jeongguk is the one who decides over this, purely because of body language and the feeling inside of him.

Yoongi seems oblivious to the pull and wordless conversation between the two. The only thing he picks up on is the way Taehyung seems at loss of words.

"No, it's alright. I am the one who came here unannounced," Jeongguk speaks up gruffly, tongue poking his inner cheek.

"You guys can go ahead and have fun." He shoots one last look at the stranger next to him and manages to find Taehyung's eyes again, before he forces himself to turn around and walk away, ignoring every fibre of his being that is screaming at him to do the exact opposite.

Taehyung is shivering, wanting to go after the elder but is left frozen in the doorway.

"Well then, shall we go?" Yoongi asks, grin back on his lips.

The brunette hums, trying to get back into actuality and out of his strange headspace.

He closes the door behind him and follows suit, "Where are we going? What do you have in mind?"

"If you're into it, we can go to the cinema? Afterwards we could go for a drink at a bar somewhere. How does that sound?"

"Yeah, that's fine by me. Let's go." Taehyung tries to smile, following the man to his car.

Throughout the entire movie, the only thing on his mind was the earlier scene that happened. The name 'Jeongguk' kept repeating over and over inside his head, like a broken record player.

He failed to laugh at funny moments and didn't even blink during jumpscares, giving Yoongi the impression he wasn't the biggest fan of the movie he picked.

When it ended and the cast displayed on the big screen, both of the men headed out of the cinema and strolled towards the nearest bar while making small talk.

For a moment, Taehyung manages to cheer up a bit and forget about the earlier incident.

"─meaning he actually flushed his live fish through the toilet. Suddenly he starred in his own 'Finding Nemo.'"

Taehyung choked on his laughter even before Yoongi managed to finish his story, entering the bar as he does.

"What concoction can I whip up for you two?" A bartender asks with a smile, the moment they sit down.

"I'll have a Manhattan." Yoongi nods to himself, glancing at the boy next to him.

"I'll take a Sex On The Beach." Taehyung smiles back, watching as the guy immediately starts working.

Yoongi wiggles his eyebrows, winking at the brunette. "Good choice."

Taehyung blushes a little, but rolls his eyes. "It's just a drink, shut up."

The peppermint haired chuckles, nodding. For a moment they sit in silence, both eyeing around.

It doesn't take long before Taehyung picks up on something faintly familiar through the overpowering scent of sweaty, dancing people and alcohol.

As if on cue, the feeling within him stirrs back to life again, right at the moment the bartender stirrs their drinks.

He sits up straight, eyes prawning around and his heart beating fiercely in his chest. The more he focuses on the addictive scent, the more he can pinpoint where it is coming from.

And then there he is─ Jeongguk.

Coincidentally at the exact same bar, sitting on a leather couch as he menspreads. He radiates off an incredibly dominant aura, a fierce expression on his face as he takes a sip of his drink.

Taehyung shivers, noticing the man was already staring straight at him with a glance that penetrates his soul.

His eyebrow quirks up and his tongue darts into his inner cheek as he slightly tilts his head.

The brunette immediately averts his eyes back to the bartender who puts their drinks in front of them.

"Bottoms up!" Yoongi grins, picking up his drink and waiting for Taehyung to do the same to clank their glasses together.

The first sip causes the brunette to squint his eyes. The male next to him appears to have downed the entire thing as if it was a shot, laughing at the brunette's face.

Taehyung uncomfortably adjust his posture on his seat, feeling the intense stare of Jeongguk burn holes right through him.

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